Who the heck is Rainbow Larry?

When I woke up and heard the thunder and rain I didn’t even flinch. I just rolled out of bed and continued my morning routine. I knew it was going to be wet. I just hoped the Q, Rainbow Larry would keep us relatively dry in the case of a downpour. Luckily Dantes Peak has a nice Pavilion with benches.

When YHC finally pulled into the AO I noticed Cheddar Bo had unlocked the gates. This was a huge win for us. Just before 5:45 a group of of us started congregating under the Pavilion. One of the PAX asked, “who the heck is Rainbow Larry?” LOL. Good question.

Warm Up
First exercise is the pledge of allegiance. From there we kept it simple and did a series of calisthenics for our warm ups. Side Straddle hopes, Daisy Pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, and Michael Phelps.

Thing 1

Next we moseyed over to the big hill (Apex BBQ Climb) and paused at the peak. I didn’t have a planned Q so I asked the PAX for 2 exercises. We did a nice 7’s of Star Jumps (my favorite) and world worst merkins (my least favorite, thanks Hamm).

Thing 2

We all were looking pretty burned out so I made sure to continue the pace. We ran down the hill on Evans making our way to the other park entrance. I tried to stop at the light polls and knock out more exercises like lunges, squats, bear crawls, and finally burpees. We ended this little run at the Singing with the Frogs pond.

Thing 3

At the pond we did another 7’s exercise of Diamond Merkins and Squats. As PAX passed the pull up bar we did 3 pull ups. Once we finished the 7’s we did a nice round of Burpees and Burpos until failure.


We then made our way back to the pavilion making sure to bear crawl the bridge. YHC Lead the pax in a short Mary of WW2’s, American Hammers, added in some awful exercise that I can’t remember the name of.


COT was good. No soap box. Just some prayers and announcements. Overall, it was a great bootcamp. We had a small group and no PAX was left behind.

See also