Who Stopped the Rain?

Everyone likes Creedence, way better than the Eagles. . . and apparently F3 stops the rain, at least in the POGL we do! It poured all night but not a drop fell on us while we worked out or during COT.

Friday will be my 1 year F3 anniversary, this will suffice as my 1 year celebration Q. It’s been a privilege to get to know so many of you and I am a stronger man physically, spiritually, and emotionally because of it. Thank you

  • No FNGs, let’s start with the pledge
  • Start us off with some nice, slow, deep, good mornings. . . oh yeah, that hits the spot
  • Now pull each leg up to your butt and stretch it out for 10, hop around as needed to keep balance
  • We don’t want to seem weak with all that stretching. . . 20 BURPEES OYO!
  • Mosey through beautiful historic Apex to the chamber of commerce. Yahoo says that the Peak City Grill is now open, renamed the Peak. We have it on second hand authority it’s not the best though, see those 20 burpees weren’t that bad, we are still able to run and talk!

Circle Up!

  • 20 Irkins
  • 15 Dirkins
  • 15 Dips
  • 10 Plank jacks
  • 30 side staddle hops (10 regular pace, 10 medium pace, 10 fast pace)
  • 10 of each of the following: Sir Fazio arm circles, overhead claps, reverse Sir Fazio arm circles, seal claps, Morroccan night clubs
  • Shake it out, Michael Phelps style, but without the drugs and weird cupping bruises, is that still a thing? Of course I know drugs are still a thing, it’s the cupping I’m unsure about, but I digress
  • Stretch those arms out over our heads, 10 count on each arm
  • Mosey back through beautiful historic Apex to the park with the pool


  • So it’s really hard to do a Dora without laying down on the wet ground but we are going to try: 100 Goofballs, 200 Merkins, 300 Squats, pickle up the stairs and around the park while your partner works the exercises
  • Well those 200 Merkins sucked, let’s find us a hill! Tighten it up Hamm, no one cares that you don’t want to run hills. Site Qs, am I right?

11s. . . scratch that. . .7s. . . alright it was more like 3s. . . we ran out of time

  • We will start at the bottom of Lookout Hill and do Star Jumps, left right jump lunges at the second street light
  • I think I got 4 rounds in, thanks to Imp for holding the PAX at the top and doing some plank work waiting on the 6, which happened to be the Q
  • We mosied back to the parking lot and HAVE A NICE DAY!
  • No Mary, it’s too wet for any on the ground work and we only had 1 minute left anyway, plenty of Merkins already, Merkins are core!


  • Countorama: 15
  • Namorama: 1 Hate (Nerf), 2 Almost respects (2 Reds, one Big and one Ryder), 12 Mehs
  • Announcements: Q Swap week still going on in South Wake, Krispy Creme Challenge
  • Prayers and praises: Yahoo gave update on Oleg, Sooey back out thanks to Deuce

See also