Who Qs the day after the Super Bowl?

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YHC may have not paid close attention to the events for February 2 when he signed up for A-Team, but no matter.  23 PAX braved the Monday morning oophs and got after it at A-Team. YHC, cognizant of his personal head pain, and assuming he was not alone, started the PAX on a community walk. It was glorious. But glory gives way to vanity, and vanity gives way to pain.  Like bear crawl 7s, tennis court wind sprints, rocks and rocks and more rocks.  And J-Los.  Lots of J-Los.  We started with them.  We finished with them.  She slid into our workout like she slid onto our TV screens last night. But to be clear, the true slide champ was the Boss. Yall remember? The Boss’s coming through your TV screen you know what first? To J-Lo’s credit, after recreating the Boss’s slide (which is photographically documented on GroupMe), she went on to play Born in the USA. While rocking a PR flag. Only to also have hispanic kids singing from what looked like border cells. Only to then come back for more Miami booty shaking. Halftime had it all, other than of course hilarious attempts by politicians to take credit for things they haven’t come close to doing. More importantly, it also had no Phish and Grateful Dead. But for those high-flying PAX members at home, I’m sure you caught that Character Zero, Bertha, and Free, all of which got played on the transition to commercial break. So tell me, where do you go when the lights go out?

To bed, that’s where. And then to FWD for Tuesday vanilla. See you there?

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