Who Needs a Warm-Up, Not Tortoise!

A nice cool, cloudy, gloom day greets us for another round of beatdowns at the Tortoise. Visitors from out of town, Ma Bell and Wilbur, round out the hearty group of 6. Everyone there on time and no FNGs we head out to the parking lot for a round of warm-ups using quick feet and heel raises. No time at Tortoise for other warm-ups because we need to hit it and get it (to be honest I forgot).


The Thang

Head over the our small hill, mumble chatter from Ma Bell about it not being a hill, for some 11s, bottom of the hill for some hammers (4 count), back up the mini hill for burpees. Back and forth until all the PAX are finished. Those who finished early got in an extra round of hammers and burpees.

Recover on the mosey and head over to the four-square court for some lazy dora. Partner up and do a shared workout of 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats. Grunt through it and finish with some EC of merkins.

Mosey over to the picnic tables (just as the light over there went out) for some table work. Q calls for left-right step ups, upward-facing merkins, dips, and downward facing merkins. Several rounds later, PAX is ready for something different so head over to the bottom of the grass hill for some 7’s.

At the grass hill, PAX are instructed to bear crawl up the hill, do WW2 sit-ups (it is Tortoise), crawl-bear down and do a star-jump. Up and down until we finish at the top, plank holding for some shakiras and j-los.

Head over to the parking lot for some paint-the-line, karaoke and lung walks to the upper parking lot. Circle up for some Mary.



Q instructed PAX to perform round-robin mary, each PAX calling a 10-count exercise. After 2 rounds, the clock said 6:15 and we were done.



Count-a-rama: 6 hearty PAX.



May 6th blah blah


New Apex AO, Bounty Hunters, at Hunter Park (skate park in Apex). Launch date is Thursday, April 27th, with a sign-up sheet already posted.


Praises for Ma-Bell as he is diagnosed with Hepatitis C but the prognosis is very positive he will recover fully!!!



  • Welcome Ma Bell to Tortoise. Apologies if the hills do not meet Nan-tan standards.
  • Yogi grunting through the exercises is motivation enough to finish strong
  • Q forgot to call warm-ups this morning but didn’t really need it, we warmed-up Tortoise-style by working out.
  • Big shocker Ma-Bell called merkins on Mary.
  • Big shocker x2, Yogi called WW2 sit-ups on Mary
  • Looking forward to the new AO, much closer to me than BO


It was an honor to lead you men this morning.

See also