Who doesn't love Costco?

Monday.  MLK Day.  Roughly 20 degrees.  Eager PAX huddled outside the park gates, awaiting the Q.  2 FNG’s quietly took in the MC.  Disclaimer was presented and we are off.

Warm Ups:

  • Headed to the nearest parking lot on the left for warm up laps around the big pickle.  3 laps…Butt Kickers, High Knees, Mosey Roof Raises, Side Shuffles.  Circled up for the traditional stretch….
  • Good mornings, SSH, Mountain Climbers all in perfect cadence: 15X
  • Standard Merkins (OMD): 15X
  • Plank Hold for a few 10 counts…

The balmy morning was really hurting the PAX, not to mention it was Monday.  The Q used his street smarts and determined the PAX needed some additional warming up.  PAX lined up in-a-row for Grizzlies…

Standard Burpee to Bear Crawl…At the sound of each Grizzly ROAR the PAX would perform another Burpee to Bear Crawl….about 10 reps were performed and by the looks of the steam the Q was satisfied that the group was awake, not to mention the neighbors….


  • Classic Hermes “follow me” workout.  PAX made there way to Costco, following the greenway through the apartments.  Along the way we picked up the 6 to ensure no man left behind.  Additionally, stops were made for MARY, Squat Holds, and OYO Merkins.
  • With determination we reached Costco…Bright Lights and Clean Asphalt.  Q instructed a round of “Paint the Lines” with a Hand Release Merkin.  We covered about 30 lines and circled up for a round of Boat Canoe.
  • Time was getting short so we trekked our way back to the lake, stopping again for Mary and to pick up the 6.
  • An audible was called back at the Lake, at the bottom of the hill.  Billy Run to the top.
  • Mosey back to the parking lot for Fast Feet on the Curb, 15 OMD Curb- Ups, and MARY.

COT, Announcements, Prayers

  • The Mule, March 10, Chavis Park
  • Reminders of Q Swap Week with SW
  • Arts n Crafts is going to be a Grandad.  His first Daughter is expecting any day this week.  Pray for a healthy baby
  • Shank’s two sons both have injuries to the knee and ankle respectively.  Pray for safe procedures and recovery
  • A friend of a fellow PAX lost their baby at 20 weeks.  Continued prayers for them


  • The human body and mind is amazing.  At no point during the workout did I feel cold or gassed.  A focused/distracted mind can tune out things that would normally cause worry or the desire to only perform “half” way.
  • We traveled 3.2 miles, .1 more than Kryptonite….Just sayin
  • Costco did not seem bothered that we were there 3.5 hours before they opened.  $10 to a fellow PAX who can EH the Gas Attendant
  • Thankful to lead as always.

See also