Who am I?

Have been wanting to pull this Q out for a few weeks ever since my son’s confirmation retreat.

Warm up:

Mosey to the big Koka parking lot for GM, Abe Vigoda, SSH, IW, Merkins and Eye of the Needle stretches.


Asked the PAX to think about the answer to the question: “who am I”. Took turns sharing our answers, with answer-appropriate workouts tossed in.

In our group we had a hospital name (7x burpees), husband (24 years merkins), lawyer (99 problems LBCs), financial adviser (3 million dollars wolverines), a child of God (WWIIs), a literary and musical hero (star jumps) and a father. I know I’m forgetting a few but I am thankful for your openness and the conversation it engendered.

Thang 2:

Dips and Quick Feet. Start with 13 dips and work down; 10 quick feet at the top. Mini ‘hill’ in the parking lot.

Mosey back to the flag.


  • LBC
  • E2K
  • Freddy Merk
  • Heel touches
  • Superman


  • 11 PAX, including a couple respects
  • BiB is looking to fill up the Q sheet.
  • Prayers for Cauliflower’s MIL, Crimson’s family, Repeato’s wife and Flint – who left us too soon


  • BiB starts eeeearly. Barely had time for my morning constitutional. Arrived with less than a minute to spare.
  • Next time I’ll do like Full House.
  • We went down the rabbit hole at coffeeteria this morning. Elon, crypto currencies and discussion of school reopening yielded to introduction for many of us - me included - into the nutty world of cryptosourvenirs. $250,000 to ‘own’ a reply of a Zion swat that you can literally watch for free on the same page where you can buy said replay. Getting old.
  • Bagels for breakfast were legit.


See also