White Prius

60 degrees with wind chill of 45, perfect weather for a beatdown.

Warm-Up Mosey to the front of the church and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins, copperhead squats and burpees (Smithers was two seconds late, the flag touched the ground, Hi-Liter made fun of my car).

The Thang Quick mosey to the parking lot for three corners. Mosey to the top corner for 10 monkey humpers, mosey back to the starting corner for 10 dry docks, mosey to the far corner for 10 monkey humpers, mosey back to the starting corner for 10 dry docks, for five-ish rounds.

Head over to the stairs for elevens, squats at the bottom, dips at the top. So much fun let’s do another round, merkins at the bottom, step-ups at the top.

Mary Mosey back to the flag and circle up for pax called Mary, ending with Hi-Liter’s Star Plank Side Crunch at the buzzer.

COT Count-a-rama:  9 Name-a-rama:  2 RESPECT, 7 meh, 0 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Big Red having his heart monitor removed today, all the items on Shut-In’s list. BOM:  YHC took us out

NMS  I hadn’t seen Hi-Liter in a good while, and the first thing he says is Hey guys, remember when we used to make fun of Disco Duck’s car?

I can almost excuse Smithers being late, he ran the Maynard yesterday then ran in to the workout this morning, and it took him a little longer than expected.

Step-ups with stair elevens, what was I thinking?

Shut-In posted a card with eleven items that Carpex has been praying for recently, and spent each mile of his tenth Maynard in ten days praying for one of them. It inspired me to lift them up too. The list included Jane’s liver cancer, One Direction’s family, Pierogi’s neighbor, Old Maid’s friend, Viewmaster, Red Ryder’s mom, Ma Bell, Term Paper’s sister in-law and family, Captain Kirk, McCants and his family and unspoken prayers.

Love you guys!

See also