Whether You Say You Can or Say You Can’t, You’re Right


13 HIM refused to sell themselves short at #ao-wed-tortoises. Today exemplified #ISI. Honored to work with y’all!

The men of this “limited run” AO just crushed the major components of a full Murph. Whether you say you can or say you can’t, you’re right.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run around the top lot, backwards run, Karaoke
  • Circle up for: GM, WM, Calf Stretch, 1 Leg Merkins, SSH, Hillbillies

The Thang

  • Partner up
  • Dora 2,4,6: 200 pull-ups, 400 push-ups, 600 squats between you. While your partner performs reps, run to the far parking lot light and back. If you need less running, modify as necessary.
  • Total mileage: ~1.5


  • Side Plank Star Crunches, WWII sit-ups.


See also