Where's Frisco?

0510 I pull in to parking lot for my Hell’s Bells VQ and the only other PAX is Ryder about to warmup with some pullups. Where’s my Co-Q Frisco? Nowhere in sight. PAX start arriving and Honeycomb brought an FNG, Jake.

First exercise was the pledge, and then a quick warm up mosey doing a figure 8 in parking lot. Cue Crimson’s first “This is supposed to be low running” complaint of the morning (only two more to go).

Then do my eyes deceive me? Is that Frisco and Qwerty showing up for warmups? Yep.


  • Side straddle hop
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sir Fazio Fwd
  • Seal Clap
  • Sir Fazio Reverse
  • Calf stretch (shout-out to Qwerty for taking over Frisco’s failed 10-count)
  • 20 merkins
  • 10 burpees OYO

Thang 1: Tool Hill Traffic-Jam 7’s
Half the PAX started with 6 diamond merkins at the bottom while the other half started 1 curl and 1 row at the top. Burpees if you have to wait for a bell at the top traffic jam. Mosey down, Bear crawl back up. Balls to the wall and people’s chair for the six. Smithers and Hotty Toddy set tool hill bear crawl records on each ascent.

Thang 2: Dora
Mosey’d back to the parking lot for a Dora. 100 LBC’s with Bell, 200 Lawnmowers and 300 merkins on the bell. The PAX with shoulder injuries preventing merkins were graciously offered an exchange rate of 2 goblet squats per merkin. The partner without the bell ran to the pull up bars and did 5 pull-ups, 10 second hold or 10 second plank. PAX suffered through, early finishers helped their fellow PAX finish out leaving us plenty of time for a bonus thang 3.

Thang 3: Hill Run
No 10-counts, just started running with the idea of just doing another figure eight in the parking lot, but then I heard Crimson yell about how Hell’s Bells is “low running” so we turned down the hill. Turned around at the speed bump at the bottom and came back up to hear Crimson’s “low running” mumble chatter again.


  • Homer to Marge x 2
  • Dying Cockroaches x 2
  • American Hammers
  • Freddy Mercuries
  • A few others PAX choices that I forgot

COR - 24 / 1 Hate, 3 Respects

Welcome FNG Wireless

Announcements: The Odyssey on October 5th

Prayers/Praises: Frisco continued prayer for M working through the grief of losing her Mother. Encouraging progress, but still a lot of healing.

YHC took us out. Thanks, to all those who posted for my VQ. I hope your triceps and shoulders feel like mine do right now. As much flack as I give Frisco he was awesome to bounce ideas off of, and helped out prepping as Co-Q.

Also thanks to Smithers for EH’ing me for my FNG July 3rd suffer-fest. I would say I don’t know where I’d be without F3, but I do know. 20lbs heavier and asleep at 0530.

See also