Where in the Hell is Dante's Peak?

I knew there would come a time when I would make the trek over to Apex Nature Boy Park.  Home of Carpex’s quiet workout.  Only been to DP once and was in trouble early on for being a little loud.

78 degrees, humid as hell, 32 33 Pax rolled in to have some fun, get stronger and learn that, as in life, workouts are best if not in a straight line.

Bad 80’s tunes were on the box, a variety of baseball gear was on display promoting our 2nd F Durm Bulls Game on Sunday.  Hello Kitty was sporting a cool Freedom baseball shirt and YHC had his AWAY grey Dodgers jersey on because this is Apex and I live in Cary.   Note: White Dodger jersey was at SNS.

Three father/son combos in the house.  Dice and Bo Jackson wrapping up a six pack week (Awsome work guys), Swag and son FNG Trail Mix (12 yrs young - war baby) and Half and his poppa FNG Milli Vanilli (58 yrs young - war daddy).   Just what we needed…more youth and respects.   Yay!   BTW:  In retrospect, Kitty feels we should have named Milli Vanilli (MV) Footloose cause it was on the box when we were naming.    Next time.

5:46.  I grabbed the box and we headed down to the cul-de-sac for some warm up.

Warm up

Circle up.  SSH, Little Baby JJ’s, SSH, Hillbillies, Fazio Arm Circles (both ways), merkins, Good Mornings.


  • Stying put in the circle.
  • Jack Webb - Merkins to 1-10, Hallelujahs to 4-40.  It was not perfect.  It never is.
    • We did work.  Goose now likes Jack Webbs as a warm up excercise.
  • Head to the soccer field.   All 33 get on the line.
  • Sprint to the other end.    Called excercise.  Sprint back.
    • 12 sprints.   12 called moves.   Jump Squats/Squat Jumps, Star jumps, Jump Knee Tucks, Double Merkin Burbees, Monkey Humpers (called by Monkey Nut), plank jacks, merkins, low slow flutters, yada, yada, yada.
  • Death Star
    • 4 cones around the circle, 4 groups. Rotate around the circle.
    • Bear Crawl to the cone, do a move, lunge walk back, 5 Burbees
    • Cone moves:  20 Merkins, 5 burbees, 15 LBCs, 15 jump squats.
  • Mary.  LBCs, Star jumps, Low Slow Flutters, Box Cutters (Goose called), plank around the circle - count of 2 by each pax.  First round - Regulur, Second round - right arm up/left arm up and last round - Cheeelcut.
  • Crimson called Billy Run…so we lined up and ran to the screen. AYG.  Then skipped back to the circle for some…..


  • We circled up, we did the name-a-rama, we named Trail Mix and Milli Vanilli
  • We announced some stuff.  Nobody listened.  See Twitter, group me or CarPex Chronicle.
  • We prayed and praised.   Hello Kitty’s traveling family,  Hi Liters dad, the family of the young boy killed in the car accident + for good judgement for our young adults, MaBell/Banjo heading to WVA for ASP and few others.
  • YHC took us out.

Enjoyed DP.   I will be back.  You men gave me energy this morning.   Let’s do it again.



See also