When The Beat Drops..

A pax of 7 showed up for a hot and sunny beatdown at Rush Hour, about 95 degrees to be exact.  Compared to YHC’s three previous Q’s, which were all rainy and/or wet.  Though I’m sure we would’ve all been ok with that this time around.   So, after the Pledge of Allegiance we were off and running to the grassy spot beside the parking deck for warmups.


  • Good Evening x 10
  • SSH x 10
  • Steve Earle x 10
  • Overhead Clap x 10
  • Moroccan Night Club x 10
  • 1 Burpee

Thang 1:

After we ran up to the 3rd level of the parking deck (because it was to dang hot for the top level), we partnered up for some Dora.  As partner 1 started on 100 Wide Grip Merkins, 200 Monkey Humpers, and 300 LBC’s, partner 2 ran the pickle, which covered the second and third levels of the deck.

Thang 2:

We ran down to the 2nd level and immediately did 10 Starjumps OYO.

After that we went right into 7’s: 6 Burpees to 1 WWII

Thang 3:

We made our way down to the 2nd level where we partnered up again for Rochamburpees:  Facing your partner(s) in the chillcut position, play 5 rounds of rock, paper, scissors.  Winner does the amount of merkins in accordance with each round, loser does the same except with burpees.

Thang 4:

So I wanted to try something new and introduce a new tune to Carpex, and thus the pax learned were introduced to the Church Clap (song by KB feat. Lecrae).  I had learned it in my youth group awhile back and thought it would be fun to try here.  Its basically like one of those line dances you might think about at weddings, or other special events.

I modified the actually routine just a bit.  First, in sync with an 8 count beat, you do side step squats (Right, Left, Repeat).  After that the beat would drop, then you hop twice on the right foot, twice on the left, twice back on the right, twice forward on the left, and turn a quarter to left.  Repeat until you make back around to where you started, then go right back into side step squats.  I think it went pretty well, and it was a lot of fun.  (Check out the routine on YouTube)

We then moseyed to the small grass area by the small fountain for mary.


A majority of the following mary exercises (in bold) were called out by the pax:

  • Superman
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Freddy Mercs
  • American Hammers
  • Boat Canoes
  • Pamala Andersons
  • WWII
  • Box Cutters
  • 100’s

We finished with our feet in the fountain (Rush Hour’s summertime version of Have A Nice Day).



-5/31 Century Callenge

-6/8 Crazy Train


Prayers for God’s comfort to surround the Gonzalez family through their time of mourning.  


It was really great to be able to Q again, and I truly enjoyed working out with y’all!  You guys are awesome!

See also