When are we going to start disturbing the peace?

So, Day 1 at A-Team was a nice intimate pax of 4 for the bootcamp, 3 for some ruck/walking.

Day 2 was no such luxury. About 17 or so converged on the subfreezing temperatures in the very center of the Peak City. YHC fought a slow defroster to arrive with about 5 minutes before go-time. Feeble old eyes couldn’t make out the shovel flag, but the pax took joy in pointing out the HUGE flag at the fire station. Yeah, that’s me, Captain Obvious.

Checked in with the pax, to see who might be heading where (a few mallwalkers) and checking in on the Nantan’s knee, he’s good to go he said.

0530: All assembled, no FNGs, lots of familiar faces, Pledge of Allegiance, and we’re off.

First was a follow-me to the sidewalk, with a perfectly timed roll-up of one of Apex’s finest, so we made sure to use the crosswalk, crossing with the light, and safely made our way behind the Mule Exchange. Curb…curb. Ice…ice..baby. Big Red enjoyed YHC’s Rain Man OCD.

High knees, buttkickers, all the way to the farthest end of the gravel lot to find some randomly placed EV charging stations. Odd.

Once there, we launched into Big Red’s diatribe about Good Mornings, while we actually did a few. Followed those with some Abe Vigodas (and I MEAN they were slow). Then some Daisy Pickers, followed by Imperial Walkers. Then 10 Merkins just for fun.

Followed this up with some Carioca right and left back to Scratch, then right to the next crosswalk, where we crosslungewalked.

Headed up Salem Street, made sure the pax were together, and headed over to Apex UMC for a run through the breezeway (past the columbarium).

Circled up for 25 SSH, followed by 25 Mountain Climbers, then a low plank hold with a Red Ryder 10 count, plus some arms/legs up during plank, then took a counterclockwise half lap around the church (quick orientation of the rockpile for later).

Returned to the circle for another 25 SSH, followed by 25 more MCs, then a low plank hold with a The Joker 10 count, plus some arms/legs out during plank, followed by a clockwise lap around the church, returning to the rockpile. Pick you a non-traveling version.

Once at the rockpile, it was 10 IC each of Curls, Rows, Squats, Presses, and Tricep extensions. Bootlegger, Charmin, and Sooey arrived just in time to depart with us.

Here’s where the Q really screwed the pooch.

We needed to get from Apex UMC to CC Jones Park (not the Annie Jones Park YHC mentioned). There’s no longer a track crossing at Olive and the train tracks, but YHC decided to cross the tracks there anyway. There’s a good side to cross, and a bad side to cross. I chose the bad side for the pax to use, and it was unsafe, and we had a pretty bad fall by a pax who caught a traintrack rail wrong, and it could’ve been ugly. Fortunately, he’s tough as nails, hopped right up, and was right back out front. To add to that, Q did not notice that one of our pax had peeled off and was now not with us. A pax went back in search of the missing man, but he was not found. (we found him later).

Once we all figured out what was going on, we made our way over to CC Jones Park, where we partnered (mostly) up for a mini Dora of 50 ALRSUs (L/R is 1), 100 Irkens, and 150 squats (all these were audibles of the original burpees, dips, and squats I planned. The Q was almost the second casualty, as I firmly planted one foot on an exposed picnic table bench that had frost on it (didn’t see it) and juuuuust about bit the dust.

Recovering, Big Red, The Joker, and I smoked the rest of the guys (well, we might’ve been adding our individual totals) and by now it was time to move again.

Ran through Apex Baptist’s lot, then up to West Chatham Street where we found a curb for some quick feet (and the Q almost went down AGAIN here)

Time expiring, we made our way back towards the AO. A ‘hoo asked if we were headed for AYG Alley, and I opted for a no due to the already injurious excursion we’d had. Good thing too, apparently there was construction back there?

Returning to Chamber of Commerce Central, we settled in for 25 dips, and 25 derkins on the nice brick walls, followed by 50 LBCs, 10 Box Cutters, and 10 Hello Dollys.

This time, the Have A Nice Days were in the right spot.


We finished up with a countarama and namearama. Found out we gained a few along the way from our starting count. 2.3 miles covered by YHC, ironically identical to Monday’s distance at A-Team.

Announcements: Check the Slacks. Update your profile if you’re a new Peak City Slack member (note there’s an ICE field that is editable if using the desktop version of Slack). Coffeeteria plans were firmed up.


Praise to all you guys for keeping this fun, keeping me active mentally and physically, as well as spiritually. Praise seeing Charmin out there again today, getting mobile.

Prayers asked for Callahan, for Hello Kitty’s M, and others unspoken.


Monday I needed a weinke to get through the day. Today I wrote everything out last night, but only briefly looked it over this morning. It showed; there were a few times I was a bit out of control due to improvising. But one thing I try to be is flexible. I did celebrate a little last night, so might’ve been a little foggy this morning. However, I did not adapt my plan to meet the full needs of the pax. I need to be more aware and considerate of needs and wants.

Thanks men for helping me celebrate this week. 2 down, 4 to go. On to Lion’s Den!



See also