Wheelbarrows and Requests

8 men gathered in the gloom of Salem Park this morning with one thing on their mind: “please, Lord, just not a Murph.”  Fear not, soldiers.  With half the Pax fresh off the CSAUP, YHC had nothing but love, respect, and the IR on his mind.  Indeed, YHC’s co-site Q finds himself on the IR (more on that in a moment). Alas, YHC “McCant” let any Pax off easy, and so into the gloom we set.

With Meow showing up a mere seconds before go time, it was only appropriate to start with a light jaunt, followed by some swell Good Mornings.  The warmup continued until the Pax were nice and loose, and ready for that Thang.

Said Thang: partner up, double set of wheelbarrows up the two flights of stairs.  Head to track for two sets of catch me if you can with LBCs and CCDs, followed by 100 yard partner carries (aka run like Sam Bradford).  Over to the playground we go for … wait for it … Mini Murph (see NMS).  Then hop back on those pull up bars for another set.  The Pax then mosied over to The Mound for … wait for it … another two sets of wheelbarrows with a touch of Mary sprinkled in.

NMS: Say what you will about YHC.  Bloodthirsty Shark.  Murph lover.  UNCheat graduate.  Sticks and stones, my friends.  More importantly, did you know YHC takes requests (pull ups for Freebird)?  Did you know YHC dedicates exercises (Mini Murph for Shank who is on IR)?  Did you know YHC surveys each Pax he Qs and audibles (shout out to the Pax, and others, who Odyssey’d…amazing!). Oh yes, YHC has a soft side.  But be warned, you won’t see it at BO tomorrow!

See also