Wheelbarrow Squats. It's a Thing.

Since I needed to work off some of the extra Thanksgiving helpings and the frustrations of spending almost 5 days with my in-laws, we started the day with a little EC Run. I was joined by Michelob, Denali & Chanticleer.

0530 Here we go.

We take the long way around the lake to the bottom of the hill at the large parking lot.

Warm Up Good Morning x 5. That’s enough. Let’s get to it.

Thang 1 Partner up. P1 - SSH; P2 - run backwards up the hill regular down. Flip Flop. When both partners have gone, get in wheelbarrow position. P1 - Merkins x10; P2 - Squats. Flip Flop. Repeato

Run up the hill into the large parking lot

Thang 2 7 Corners (It’s like 4 corners done twice but on the 2nd loop we only got 3 corners. 4+3=7.) Run hard to each corner and begin a called exercise, when the last man shows up they call cadence x 10 of the exercise, then run to next corner. Exercises performed: Alt. Shoulder tap, Dive Bombers, Jump Lunges, Freddie Mercury, CDD, LBC, Jump Squats.

Thang 3 Run to the far end of the parking lot and starting at the entrance perform Suicides stopping at each of the 5 trees. There was a short debate on whether the trees where in islands or peninsulas. At each tree perform a Burpee, increasing by 1 each tree. When back at the start, perform American Hammers x10.

Indian Run back to the flag.

Mary Boat/Canoe, 100s

COT Carpex Christmas Party 12/13 South Wake CSAUP 12/15 No Prayers/Praises

YHC took us out with a quote from Coach John Wooden

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”


See also