What's Your Kryptonite; part II

Well, YHC was at a conference since Friday, so my Slack time significantly decreased.  But I see that Shut-In asked someone to Q for him on Friday.  Guess he got nothing, so asked again Sunday, which I saw that night.  YHC thought, “my goodness, hope Shutty is OK, he wouldn’t just not Q unless something is drastically wrong”.   Nope, he just wanted to attend Franklin’s anniversary Q.  pffft.  big deal.   Nah, just kidding Shut-In, you are a great man and ‘Mantan.

In the meantime, I had to construct an awesome Q to honor Shut-In.  Instead I promptly fell asleep before half-time of the MNF game, but not before lining up a ride to Krypto with Peeeirogi and Free Lunch.  Felt like college again in the morning:  riding in Peeeirogi’s jeep with no top and no doors, but what didn’t feel like college was that awful Polish rock music he must turn up to volume 11 because you can’t hear shit in the Jeep.

Anyhoo, we are now at Kryptonite with 14 men raring for a Shut-In Q.  Then all of the sudden stepping out of the woods was what I thought was a homeless person.  He was sweating and walked right towards us with his hands kinda turned up and fingers spread….(ya know, like you don’t want to touch anything).  It wasn’t a homeless man at all.  It was…..Skidmark! YHC:  dude, what the hell you doing coming out of the woods like that scaring us? Skidmark:  I was on the EC run, but I stopped here to take a dump.  Anybody got any anti-bacterial wipes?

The answer was no.  Nobody had anti-bacterial wipes.  Oh well.  On a side note, Skidmark did say that there were several bright colored gloves and bright colored shirts in those same woods…..all with what he thinks was doo-doo on them.  hmmmm.

Anyhoo, 20 sec until 5:30 and here comes GTL returning back from his EC jog.  And he ain’t in a hurry.  YHC:  “20 seconds”.  GTL says nothing.  Sloooowly walks to his car for some water, change shirts and shoes, and fix his hair (that’s singular).  He is in no hurry.  In fact all the PAX looked relaxed, and I found out why.  They were all there for the typical easy-peasy Shut-In workout, his Signature Move.  The boys tightened up real quick when I told them the news that YHC would be subbing for Shutty:  BOGO’s eyes got big, Imp swallowed a visible lump in his throat, and Chipper had a renob. In short, the boys were scared to death.

After another botched YHC disclaimer, we took a couple laps around Carpex’s smallest Pickle……and I ain’t taking about Red Ryder’s junk.  Then we performed some warm-up all in perfect cadence: Invisible Jump Rope, GM—>Phelps Arm Swings, Merkins—>PJs—>MCs, chilcutt—>Wright Flyers—>Saturday Nite Stretch.

Swift jog up Ederlee to the start of Symphony Greenway Trail.  x 15 Merkins, x 15 WideGrip Merkins, x 15 Diamond Merkins. Partner Up:  CMIYC with 5 Sumo Squat Jumps all the way until we skirt off the trail to the bottom of the paved hill going up to Koka Booth ticket center.  x 30 LBCs. At bottom of hill 3 burpee broad jumps, sprint up hill, x 20 AirForceOnes.  Repeato x 4.

Jog to next starting point in front of Koka Booth ticket center.  QuadrupleApplesauce starting at ticket center all the way to the far, far, far end of the parking lot.  x 20 Bobby Hurly’s, x 20 sec line hops, x 20 sec MC Hammers.  QuadrupleApplesauce back to starting point for x 20 Peter Parkers.  QuadrupleApplesauce to far, far, far end for x 20 FreddieMercs.  SingleApplesauce until 100 yds to ticket center.  SSH AQAP, then on my ‘go’ sprint to ticket center.  Brisk jog to the Shovel Flag. COT Count-a-rama 16 with a respect or two. Name-a-rama Praises/Prayers:  Imps friend, SkidMarks friend, praise for Peirogi’s neighbors new baby. Review of What’s Your Kryptonite? by YHC Parker took us out like a pro.

twas a pleasure and an honor to lead today. luvyou, Flip Flop

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