What's Your Kryptonite?

Conditions were 51 degrees, 50% foggy, and 50% gloomy.  I inserted a pre-blast for coffeeteria at NY Bagels.  Other pre-blast material was request from Burt for Agility City (see original Agility City here: (https://f3carpex.com/2017/05/09/agility-city/) , and a request from Largemouth for EC run because “the QIC was soft”.  Of the three pre-blasts, only two were partially true.

Then yesterday afternoon, the M informed me we would be hosting the cul-de-sac game night at our house.  I thought to myself, “self, you can get everyone to leave by 9:00 p.m. so you can get some sleep before the 5:30 a.m. Kryptonite”.  Then the bad news came:  the M informed me one of the neighbors that would be coming was @f3pierogi.  Self: “Oh great!, drinking and staying up past midnight”—-and that’s exactly what happened.  Games were played (Happy Salmon, Anomia, and Codenames) and drinks were spilled.  Finally kicked out the neighbors, ate another slice of chocolate pie with whipped cream (mistake), went up to bed and set the alarm, pulled the covers up, and the alarm is going off a couple hours later (but oddly felt like 10 minutes later).

Anyhoo, a Baker’s Dozen congregated at the twitterless AO known as Kryptonite (including several from the EC run).  Men looked like they had been on holiday vacay for weeks, and some reeked of cheap holiday liquor (maybe that was just Coney).  As the fog started to lift, this is what we did:

Warm-Up Tight circle for Reaction Action x 10  (designed to fire up the PAX and get our heads ready for the “High Tempo Bootcamp”) High-tempo mosey (or so I thought) to the front of Koka Booth.  I turned around to lead the next w/u exercise, but the men were casually strolling and acting like this was a 2nd F event.  When everyone finally arrived, we performed the following in perfect cadence: SSH x 20, Hillbilly x 10 merkin x 10, MC x 8.

Thang 1: Groups of 3 (one group of 4) Indian Run to end of parking lot, continue tempo run across the street to bottom of hill.  Plank hold. Partner up: Partner 1 sprints up hill for x 10 Star Jumps; Partner 2 tandem fast feet on line AMRAP.  Flipflop x 2. Partner 1 sprints up hill for x 10 Bobby Hurleys; Partner 2 line hops AMRAP.  Flipflop x 2. Partner 1 sprints up hill for x 10 Sumo Squat jumps; Partner 2 Hell Squats AMRAP. Tempo Mosey to end of Koka Booth parking lot. Wright Flyer x 25

Thang 2: Wright Flyer x 25 Backwards run to first light pole, turn forward and all-you-got to next light pole.  Continue for ~6 light poles. Get into Indian Run formation again and proceed to bottom of hill next to Koka Booth entrance. At bottom of hill x 3 Broad Jump Burpees, sprint hill, at top x 5 Merkins.  2 or 3 sets. Wright Flyer x 25, Air Force One x 25

Thang 3: Get on Symphony Lake trail.  Go 1/3 around lake Catch-Me-If-You-Can with partner x 3 Hand Release Merkins.  The remainder 2/3 of lake Double Applesauce.  Proceed to parking lot across from Shovel Flag.

Thang 4:  well, never finished this, but was the start of partner BlowPops.  Oh well, next time. Tempo Run to the Shovel Flag…..exactly on time.

Count-a-rama:  13 Name-a-rama:  a few Respects and some Meh’s. Announcements: converge at FOD tomorrow; 6 a.m pre-run, 7 a.m. bootcamp, 8 a.m Fellowship. Prayers/praises:  Burt thanked everyone for support of BIL’s passing.  Flip Flop’s teammate starting chemo.

Thang 5:  What’s Your Kryptonite? Circle up tight/arms around your brothers.  Seeing how Carpex’s AOs have entertainment themed names, it had me thinking about Kryptonite.  We all know the story of the powerful Superman and how Kryptonite reduces him into a Sad Clown.  We then thought about what Kryptonite we have in our life that hinder our ability to be the best men we can be.  All eyes shut, each man thought to himself about a specific Kryptonite that obstructed his ability to be a High Impact Man with his wife and children.  Additionally, each man thought to himself about how to reduce that Kryptonite today.

Nekkid Mole Skin * Turns out, it wasn’t to difficult to come up with my Kryptonites, and I hope the last exercise will bolster my ability to be a better husband and father (Superman….without the tights).   What’s your kryptonite? *  As expected, lively crowd out there.  The PAX tolerated several Cluster and Audible moments.   (Not as much audible as Audible City found here:  https://f3carpex.com/2017/07/07/audible-city/ *  My heart was warmed before we even started, as Burt was wearing a cotton long sleeve University Of Georgia shirt! *  I don’t have one of them fancy watches (or any watch at all), but it felt like we covered between 3-3.5 miles. *  Awesome seeing my boy Kiff(in) out today.  He first posted at SWW ~5 weeks ago and has been out of town since then.  Literally flew back in town last night and made it to Kryptonite!  Monte woulda been proud! *  Of the three Pre-blasts, mine was the only one that wasn’t true (some of us went to Starbucks—thanks for the coffee Frisco!).  Burt’s pre-blast for Agility City was partially true (we did a couple Agility items).  And Largemouth’s preblast was, and I had to admit, the truest (QIC was soft!).

twas an honor to lead today, luv you, Flip Flop (that’s singular)

See also