What's that smell?

  • AO: Full Metal Jacket QIC: Pickles

Twelve PAX were assembled in the soupy pre-dawn gloom, and ready to go for YHC’s first ever FMJ Q. Gather at the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance and we’re off on a nice easy mosey. A couple of cars came rolling in as we pulled away – someone’s tardy, and we’ll all have to pay.

Circle up at the first drive way for… WHOAH! WHAT’S THAT SMELL? Apparently, the grounds crew at the school had spread some fresh manure on the big hill at the front of the property. YHC was planning to use that hill later on, but if we don’t want to be banned from The Wake Zone for coffeeteria afterwards, an audible will be necessary. After a few retching noises from the PAX and a little potty humor mumble chatter we get to it for:

  • Good Mornings X 10

Oh look, there’s Khakis and Pet Sounds, our stragglers from earlier. We interrupt this warmup for 10 burpees (5 for each) OYO. Back to the warmup:

  • Sir Fazios x 10 each way IC
  • Overhead claps x 10 IC
  • Merkins x 10 OMD

With 14 PAX now in tow, we escape the stench for now and jog around to the next parking lot entrance. Find some curb and do the following:

  • Quick feet x 20 IC
  • Curb Merkins x 10 OMD
  • Quick feet x 20 IC
  • Derkins x 10 OMD

Hop up and mosey over to the track for Thang 1. The gate was open, so no breaking and entering necessary this week. YHC called Jack Webbs around the clock. Going clock-wise around the track, stop at 12, 3, 6 and 9 ‘o’clock for Jack Webbs (1 merkin : 4 hand presses), increasing at each stop. Three times around the track and we’re at 12 merkins and 48 hand presses. The fast guys did plank holds, LBC’s and other things to keep themselves entertained while YHC and the rest of the 6 finished up.

Head out of the track to the bleachers. YHC did not anticipate how wobbly the bleachers would feel when we started using them, but we pushed on anyway for 11’s - overhead claps at the top, jump squats at the bottom. The bleachers held and everyone survived, so it was a success. Although, Hi-Liter was a bit exuberant in the use of his glutes on the squats at the bottom. Way to use your “assets”, Hi-Liter!

From there, we mosey over to the wall for ten count balls to the wall down the line. Everyone seemed to enjoy that, so we repeated back down the line the other way.

A quick time check with Crimson: 12 minutes left. Because of the aforementioned fragrance problem with the big hill, head over to the smallish hill at the end of the parking lot for 11’s. Merkins at the top, and LBC’s at the bottom.

With everyone sufficiently soaked, we head back to the parking lot for Mary:

  • American Hammers x 10 IC
  • Freddy Mercury’s x 10 IC
  • Plank hold for 10 count around the circle (apparently, Hermes is reading Roman Numbers for Dummies as he showed off his skills when it was his turn).
  • Chill Cut for the final 10 count and right into, you guessed it, Pickle Pounders, and we’re done.

Count-o-rama: 15 PAX Name-o-rama: Callahan, Cataracts, Cheddar Bo, Crimson, Frisco, GTL, Hermes, Hi-Liter, Hotty Toddy, Khakis, McCants, Pet Sounds, Pickles, Sour Mash and Tubeless


  • 1776 thing tomorrow, Independence Day. Ritter Park. 0630.
  • Third F community service project with Carying Place. Lawn mowing, yard maintenance, etc. Crimson is leading the effort. No he isn’t. Yes he is. :) See Slack for details.

Prayer requests

  • Prayers for Callahan’s M who is struggling with work, family stuff and stress. And, she’s pregnant ta boot. Prayers for peace for her and strength and wisdom for Callahan to be with her through this.
  • Prayers for Sour Mash’s friend Chris and his M who recently lost their baby who was due on July 10.
  • Tubeless asked that we pray for some new kids who are going through a family transition and have recently joined his church small group.


  • Signing up to Q FMJ seemed like a much better idea when the humidity wasn’t 99%, but I’m glad I did it.
  • Man, that hill smelled bad!
  • Thanks to the guys at the front of the pack for your patience this morning while I tried to keep up with my own Q.
  • Not that this was my motivation, but are we still handing out F3 koozies when we Q FMJ? Shank, where you at?
  • Nine gathered for coffeeteria at Wake Zone afterwards. That cold water hit the spot!
  • Always an honor and a privilege to lead you men!

See also