What's a Coupon?

QIC: Parker; AO: The Green Mile; Date: 3 Aug 2019

11 HIM gathered at 0600 to figure out what the pre-blast of “bring a favorite coupon if you have one” was all about. Biner brought a 60 lb Sandbag, and I brought the rest. A couple of guys admitted to searching around the junk drawer in the gloom for some little slips of paper, but suffice it to say that by the end of the workout they were well acquainted with the F3 Exicon definition of “coupon”.

Executive Summary: 4.3 miles covered carrying between 20 and 70 lbs for most of it. It was “fun”. Torpedo invented the “Torpedo-to-the-wall”. YHC learned that he is “not nice”, but “not, not nice” when getting serious during a Q. (Is that kinda like “Angry Shutty?”. If so, I’ll take it.) If you want the details, read on.

Warmed up with SSH, calf stretching, merkins, sir fazio, OHC, and seal claps.

Thang 1. In the back of Parker’s truck were 12 coupons, including two each of 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 lb dumbells, a ~25 lb set of chains, and Biner’s 60 lb sandbag. Each PAX grabbed a coupon except the guy with 15 lb dumbells, grab both of those. Line up in decending order of the dumbells, with the Sandbag at the front and Chain guy at the back.

Coupon Mosey at the pace of the Sandbag carrier (which was typically a ~11-12 min pace on average during this workout) towards the lower baseball field. Every quarter mile or so, we would briefly stop, chain guy (last) runs up indian-run style to the sand bag (first), and everybody moves back a coupon. This cycle will repeat itself throughout most of the workout whenever I say “Coupon Mosey”.

First stop was on the lower baseball field, count off groups 1 and 2. 2 sets of 15 merkins rotating with balls to the wall. Torpedo introduced the “Torpedo-to-the-wall”, which is where you attempt a Water-Wings Style backwards BTTW but subsequently torpedo the ground with your head. Be sure to ask him about his signature move, as he demonstrated it twice with excellent form. Two sets of 15 LBC with alternating BTTW, and continue on the Coupon Mosey.

Second Stop was at the bike racks down near the practice football field. One set of Irkins, followed by two sets of Australian pull-ups alternating with 15 LBC and Box cutters. Continue on the Coupon Mosey.

Third stop was the White Oak Creek bridge underpass. Here we had a slight cluster-Q moment but what we ended up with was this: Pax at back of line does bear crawl with the 15 lb dumbells to the front of the line, runs the dumbells back to the rear of the line, then runs back to the front. Next man repeats this cycle until all men have had a turn. All men hold plank of various forms called by Sub until everyone has finished. Continue with Coupon Mosey.

Fourth stop was the soccer practice field, but we took the long way around; once back up to Green Level road from the creek, YHC introduced the Partner Modified Coupon Mosey (PMCM). One partner gets both coupons, and the other runs/mosey alongside until the coupon-carrier needs a break. The PMCM continued up Green Level to Roberts, left on Roberts, left into the student parking entrance, around the football field and to the practice soccer field.

Thang 2. A continuation of the PMCM, but with a twist. While one partner makes one lap across the field and back with the coupons, the other partner runs across the field and back twice. Then rotate coupons when both partners are finished. Sand bag, 35 lb dumbells, and 30 lb dumbells can be carried any way you want. 25 and 20 lb dumbells carried over your head. 15 lb dumbells used for curls as you walk (while carrying the chains around your neck). We were only one set/cycle short of getting everyone through this. Coupon Mosey back to the flag the ‘short way’ (cutting through the football field).

Thang 3. Pivot led us in 5 good minutes of stretching.

COT: 11 HIM.

NMS: Torpedo is a funny guy. And has a great self-deprecating sense of humor. Worth noting for future Q’s that one gate on the side of the football field facing the school was wide open, meaning track, stadium stairs, and pull-up bars may be in play for future TGM Q’s. Carrying two 35-lb dumbells while trying to run sucks a bit. And when you get the ‘relief’ of moving down to two 30-lb dumbells, it doesn’t get that much easier. F3 guys will try anything, and even if it seems ridiculous and hard, if you ask them to do it they will try. Perhaps especially if it sounds ridiculous and hard. It is really, really hard to put into words how awesome that makes this group to hang out with and be around.

See also