What to Expect When You're Expecting

As a fairly frequent Q and poster to Carpex workouts I feel like I’m a pretty good numbers guesser.  This is key when planning a workout.  Helps you to pick the right excercises, etc etc.  So for this workout I planned for about 12.  There were 6 the week before and then average numbers were mid teens.

Good guess right?

There were 23.  And that’s with Open Out fartsacking as I waited out from of his house for a few minutes.

Oh well, we made it work!

Warm Up Switched things up and got us moving back and forth down the lot with varying warmup exercises and ways to jog back and forth.  Right away pax were caught off guard like I just gave them Hunts ketchup instead of Heinz.  Luckily the caught on and we were able to move on to the Thang

The Thang

Set 1:  Deconstructed Burpees - Two groups, one run down the lot and do 25 reps and come back, one group stay and do Mary (because we have TWENTY THREE!) -  Squats -  Leg Kick Out Things -  Merkins -  Jump Squats

Set 2:  Cardio Quick Loop -  People’s Chair the fence -  One at a time run up the hillside and down the path back to the fence.  BTTW at the fence until the next guy replaces you.  Then go back to PC.

This took way too much time in PC position with 23 guys.  Next round we went in groups of 3s for: -  PC then 10 Burpees then BTTW then back to PC This didn’t play out as well as I planned but it was decent.

Set 3:  Crazy Jack Webbs -  Group 1 Indian run the entire parking lot loop so you are gone for a while so Group 2 can do a set of excercises.  Then flapjack. Exercises were all jack webbs 1:4 ratio: -  Derkins and Aussie Mtn Climbers -  Urkins and ALRSU -  Dips and Tea Bags The goal was to get up to 5 for each…we came close

Oops, some left over time.  OK to the tennis courts for sprints.

TIME!  Goose recommended we stay put for COT so we did and it was nice.

Great work by everyone.  Lots of pep for a Friday beatdown. This place is getting #problematic already…

See also