What Time is It?

Given the significance of the concept of a Sad Clown in the F3 universe, one could think the name Flying Circus to be a bit, well, curious.  Given the madness that went down at this AO on Thursday, August 23, 2018, I think the name fits.

18 HIM pledged their allegiance to the flag, and then moseyed to the basketball courts.

Warm Up

  • Good Mornings, nice and slow
  • 2 x FNGs show up
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • Hill Billies
  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson arms: Circles front and backwards like Sir Fazio, except one arm at a time.  Then we push the water forward, push the water back, all in cadence.
  • Overhead claps x 10
  • Plank Jacks x 10
  • Merkins x 10 on my down AND my up

Thang 1

Number off 1s and 2s.  1s do BTTW while 2s bear crawl the length of the basketball court, mosey back and then flip flop.

Thang 2

The Half Shelden Cooper

Mosey to the track.  Run a half lap, then complete:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 WWII situps

After complete, run another half lap and complete 9 each of aforementioned exercises.  Continue until you’ve done them all.

Thang 3

Mosey back to the basketball court and repeat Thang 1.


  • 10 Burpees OYO to calm Pet Sounds
  • Have a Nice Day


  • 4 Respects, 1 Hate, 15 Mehs
  • Welcome FNGs Sudafed & Tiny Tim
  • Remember the Q School next week, VQ week in October, Carpex Anniversary at DZ on 8/31, and the 9/11 Stair Climb.  Check Slack for details
  • Prayers for Disco’s M, McCants continued healing, and the outbreak of fire ants in Carpex
  • YHC took us out.


  • Our FNGs really got after it today.  They were well prepared with water bottles, which I think were still there when we got back to the basketball court following the Half Cooper.  I think they’ll be back.
  • Biner smiled a little.
  • Nice work making sure we picked up the 6 today.
  • Back to the Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson arms.  That’s actually an adaptation of Gwyneth Paltrow arms that my M showed me from the FIA workouts.  The Rock sounds better, but the PAX were dropping like flies before YHC called recover.
  • This workout included Merkins, Burpees and Bear Crawls.  That is as close to perfection as God allows on earth.

It was a pleasure to lead this fine group.  Be a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also