What Sore Legs?

After a GroupMe fartsack shaming on Tuesday - the day after the 9/11 stair climbs and only a couple of days removed from the BRR - when only a handful of CarPEX PAX posted, the boys showed up in force; from the looks of it, pert’neer 40 of them. We’ll count-a-rama later. After a round of fist bumps and a doo-rag tying lesson, it was time to roll. Let’s go!

What, there are 2 FNGs? Give them the disclaimer on the run! Follow me under the closed gate to the western parking lot and circle up for


  • Calf Stretches
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • More Merkins
  • Arm Circles
  • O/H Claps
  • Good Mornings (for Nature Boy)

The Thang

Lightpole bingo back to the closed gate. Alternating at each light pole, do 5 burpees and 10 merkins. Traveling between light poles is alternating forward run, backwards run, karaoke left, karaoke right. Squat hold at the now in-the-process-of-being-unlocked gate. Count off once everyone arrives and fall into groups of 3 on the run down to the kiosk.

15 penalty burpees for mumblechattering on the CarPEX GroupMe News channel. Next time it’s 20! Smokey is the only one with a light, so get out in front! Run to the rock pile at the Bond Lake spillway. Each team pick a substantial-sized rock. From each group - 1 PAX runs down to the base of the stairs at the end of the dam and does big boy sit-ups, 1 PAX stays at the near end and does merkins, and 1 PAX travels with the rock. At the hand-off points, you’ll assume the exercise of the team member you handed it off to. We did about 3 rounds of this. It took longer than YHC anticipated because apparently the “rule” is a smaller rock if you’re going to run with it. Whatever. Get stronger, live longer #GSLL

Line up at the bottom of the dam for some 7s (audible: 5s). At the top 4-count flutter kicks with merkins at the bottom. 5 minutes to get back to the shovel flags. Smokey to the front; we’re going through the woods. Trail run back to the parking lot where our Vesper boys are waiting and circle up.


Count-a-rama: 42 (including 2 FNGs - Cartel and Weed-N-Feed, as well as special visitor Eddie the Eagle from Churham). Welcome brothers! Name-a-rama: 9 RESPECTS, 30 mehs, 3 hates Announcements: New AO Full Metal Jacket starts 9/26; new AO Wolverine starts 9/18; Churham having a 4-year anniversary convergence next Wednesday and CarPEX is invited; Bartman’s traveling ruck show will run in parallel with one AO per week, starting with Phoenix this week and SNS next week. After that, stay tuned to the googly sheet Prayers: Chinese Downhill’s mother who is going through chemotherapy treatment; Napster’s 2.0’s middle school friend who passed away yesterday BOM: YHC took us out


  • Allow me to get on my soapbox. Back to this paltry PAX posting on Tuesday. Was it sore legs? Could it have been the rain? YHC certainly hopes not. If you were at the stair climb, you heard a Naval Special Ops officer talk to us about doing the hard things. If you can get out of bed and walk, you can work out. There are guys who would kill for the opportunity to do what we do every day. Working out in the rain ain’t that hard - unless it’s also 35 degrees, which still won’t kill you. Uncomfortable? Yes. Hard? Yes. The right thing? Yes. So, what are valid excuses for not posting?
  1. M says no; gotta do what the boss says
  2. 2.0 or other family member is sick and you are taking care of them - and/or dad duty
  3. Injury - and it must be severe; I mean, you can ride a bike to follow the PAX; you can modify (e.g, broken arm? Do squats. Cut off end of toe? Limp and do one-legged burpees)
  4. There is no #4
  • Apparently, Burt felt like YHC was putting on airs yesterday on GroupMe; his rousing rendition of Ma Bell drew rave reviews. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I’ll take it. But you got some work to do on that doo-rag bruh.
  • It was honor to herd lead you men this morning!

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