What happens in the Blind, doesn't stay in the Blind

This morning was another chilly day…there were plenty of sleeves at post time 0530. Some of those sleeves came off as we got warmed up, others didn’t. We’re in a weird spot right now CARPEX…beautiful days and chilly mornings. Today’s highlight (or lowlight depending on how you look at it) was literally hearing every hunting story Bubba has ever had. I feel like he lives in his blinds…and apparently drains entire lakes of their frogs for his witches brew he concocts. On to the workout!

Tortoises 23 Sep 2020

0530 - Welcome, Disclaimer, Pledge

0531 - Warm-up jog around the pickle

  • 20 SSH (IC)
  • 10 Sir Fazios (IC)
  • 10 Windmills (IC)
  • 3 x Good Morning

0535 - The Thang (grab a KB)

45 seconds per exercise, 15 seconds rest in between each

  • Air Squats
  • Jump Squats
  • Push-up to side planks
  • Mountain climbers
  • Lunge & kick-right
  • ***Right around here I had my first merlot as a Q, it was inspiring to watch but I won’t name the merlot-er***
  • Burpee jacks
  • Lunge & kick-left
  • Tricep extensions w/ KB
  • Around the worlds w/ KB
  • Spidermans


0555 - Thang 2

Plank Relay

  • 2 teams, one-by-one each team sends a PAX to pickle and back…the rest are planking until their turn

Repeato x 4

0605 - Mosey around the big lot to cool down

0610 - Mary

  • 20 Frogger sit ups

  • 20 American Hammers (ic)

  • 20 slow count flutter kicks (ic)

  • 20 leg lifts

0615 - COT Announcements, Prayers/Praises

He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander. —Aristotle

2 Hates/3 Mehs/1 Respect this morning.

It was a great day to be out with the boys!


See also