What Do You Get When You Cross A Frog With A Duck?

Kermit and YHC had been talking for a while about co-Q’ing Phoenix, and when the day finally arrived it was rainy and warm, perfect weather for a frog and a duck. The old duck took the first half, the young frog took the second.

Warm-Up Start off with the Pledge at the Flag, then mosey down to the lower lot, with some butt kickers along the way, then circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, good mornings, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats.

The Thang Partner up for Dora 1-2-3, one partner runs up the hill to the first crosswalk, the other partner knocks out 100 derkins, 200 step-ups and 300 squats.

When finished make our way up to the top of the hill, next to the top of Kiosk Hill, stopping at each lightpole for five merkins.

When we reach the top YHC hands off to Kermit.

More hills as he calls Sevens on Kiosk Hill, with star jumps at the top and burpees at the bottom.

When finished circle up around the kiosk in various plank positions while going around the circle for ten counts.

Before leaving, knock out a few more merkins.

Two lines for Indian run back to the flag.

Mary Circle up for Iron Thor (I think that’s what he called it), a Jack Webb with 1 big boy sit-up to 4 American hammers, from 1/4 up to 10/40, followed by spelling the alphabet with our toes, and more American hammers.

COT Count-a-rama:  20 Name-a-rama:  6 RESPECT, 13 meh, 1 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Ausfhart and Sooey as they continue to recover, Ma Bell’s friend John getting a pacemaker, O’Doules’ cousin’s family recovering from a car accident, Open Out’s friend Sam whose brother passed away, Kermit’s friend in the hospital BOM:  YHC took us out

NMS No one but Kermit enjoyed the Iron Thor. Some of the pax were counting ahead of him, I was hoping he’d call penalty burpees, but just continuing the sit-ups and hammers was a worse punishment.

Thanks to Kermit for the co-Q, thanks to everybody else for coming out on a gloomy day to support us.

See also