Thursday Morning.  Showed up early to setup the Ciabatta (more to come on that) stations and scope out the site.  PAX are assembling around the flag as the Raleigh Clown Car pulls in.  Yoda flung open the door and you could tell he was already in High MC Gear.  Quick announcement from the Q and we are off.


  • Fellowship pace jog around the track.  Buttkickers, High Knees, Side Shuffles included.
  • Assembled by the baseball field, in the middle of the road.  Lots of complaining about safety, when did Apex become so Soft?
  • Windmills, SSH, Cotton Pickers, Merkins, Plank Holds, all in random counts.  As a CPA, I don’t do numbers until 9AM
  • Gathered the group from the street to the closest parking lot for Paint the Lines.  PAX moved up and down the lines and completed a HRM at each end point.
  • Squat Hold until finished and we make our way back to the Skate Park


  • Circled up, again in the street, to count off.  We started by counting in twos. DOH!  Not what the Q was looking to do.  After intense criticism from the group, we counted again this time in 6’s.  Roughly groups of 3.
  • Ciabatta.  Yes, you read that right.  I always called it Tabata, but was quickly corrected by Burt that its pronounced Ciabatta.  Since Burt is my elder and has impeccable diction, I decided to let it go.
  • 9 Ciabatta Stations.  PAX rotated through each exercise about every 45 seconds, or when the Q decided he had enough.
    1. Wall Squats
    2. Jump Lunges
    3. Hell Squata
    4. Plank Jacks
    5. Dips
    6. Derkins
    7. Flutter Kicks
    8. Squats
    9. Balls to the Wall
  • So we are off. MC is extremely high at this point.  Luckily this wasn’t the Q’s first rodeo.  After 3 circuits, we assembled back in the street for a Hermes Special
    • Two lines.  Pax in Plank Position behind each other for a Plank Bear Indian Crawl. HIM in the back bear crawls to the front, and so on.  We traveled about 50 yards.
  • Back to the Ciabatta, for another 4 circuits.  Again, YHC had more fun planned.
    • Again formed two lines back in the street for the signature Prisindian Run.  Not sure what got in to the PAX but we traveled at a rather quick pace. We traveled down to the FIA group, said Hello, and made our way back
  • More Ciabatta for the PAX, about 6 circuits.
    • Again, YHC called another pause and we assembled for a All You Got back around the track, around the ball field and to the skate park.  Picking up the 6 along the way.
  • Circled up again, in the street for Burpees.  10 OYO
  • Finish


Announcements:  Habitat for Humanity April 12th and 13th.  Healing Transitions, April 10th for a Tour, Dinner, and Speaker.

Prayers:  Continue to pray for Burts BIL John.

Grease Monkey led us out in Prayer


  • The theme for the morning is “WHAT ARE WE DOING”.  YODA seemed to be confused as to what was going on all morning.  Maybe Burt can introduce him to the 3 cups of coffee and 3 dumps wake up method.
  • Many thought my breaks from Ciabatta were punishment.  A smart Q knows who might show up for the beatdown and must come prepared.  These were not punishments but merely a way to encourage maximum effort from the PAX.  You’re Welcome
  • Always a pleasure to lead

See also