What a co-inky-dink

At 0510 I parked my car at Apex Nature Park. At 0515 I set off on a little EC run. At 0542 I arrived back at my car to find 10 other HIM standing around. So at 0545, I asked them if they wanted to join me in some random exercising. They agreed. So we were off.

Mosey to the top parking lot and circle up.

**Good Morning, Windmill, Steve Earle

Mosey to the basketball court for a lesson in Absolution.

Mosey to the soccer field

**The Thang
**Two rounds of escalating 4 corners with two different sets of exercises and some escalating burpees in between for good measure.

1st set (all IC) 10x CDD; 20x LBC; 30x Mnt. Climber; 40x Plank Jack
2nd set (all IC) 10x Merkins; 20x Squats; 30x Freddy Mercury; 40x SSH

Mosey to the flag

**Boat/Canoe, 100’s

Stay strong brothers!

YHC took us out with an anonymous quote

““Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’”


See also