Wet n Wild

We welcomed FNG Grant, newly relocated from Birmingham.

Many dedicated HIM arrived for my 2nd Q. Glad to help McCants. And as he peacefully remained in the fart sack we grittily said our Pledge to our Flag. Immediately our warm up run began…and so did the chatter…5 burpees with the fellas.

Ran to warmup in this warm weather, SSHs, Prisioner um…Sumo Squats, one other and off we went.

Still too dry as we continued our run I decided to slow us down for Paint the Lines, backwards mostly, in Cary’s Biggest Parking Lot.

Hill repeats were in our future. So after dragging the fellas along at what I THOUGHT was a mosey pace, we eventually found ourselves in an adjacent p lot looking at a decent incline. Many were fearless. Clouds of mist were scene as the group took off for excercise number 1 - SSH x20 once we reached the top, then same at bottom. No rest for the weary, on to number two and so on, always x20. Star Jumps, Mike Tyson’s, Merkins, Sumo Squats, Carolina Drydocks, Plank Jacks, and of course, we weren’t wet enough so WWIIs & Superman’s were requested to attain the sponge affect in the puddles.

Wrapping up our repeat…and In memory of McCants…we walked a bit. But @Beiner’s zeal got us running once again back to the flag. Indian Run all the way.

Mary - The starfish crunch confused some of the fellas and with 1 minute to spare…the Shawshank.

Announcements were made: BBR, last minute signups, other service opportunities: Habitat help weekend - check 3rd F post by @half. Burgaw, NC is ongoing with weekend needs coming up.

Praises and prayers, because they go hand in hand:

@bagles’s coworker Mike entered hospital for major health crisis.

@Snip’s dad, on the mend from surgery.

FNG Brant was newly named Cattails and accepted a warm welcome from the fellas. We hope to post with him again as he was quite an enthusiastic PAX and if we can keep him out of the lakes of wake county for an hour or so each AM we might soon see him on the Q list. Welcome @Cattails.

YHC led us our with a prayer to say thank you to God for the blessing to be able to share this wet n wild morning with this bunch of fellas.

Cafeteria was shared afterwords.

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