Western Wake convergence

Monday morning YHC Q’ed a little bit of a CARPEx/Churham get together up in the great cold north of Winterfell. So color me purple when this morning turned into a full-on three regions convergence with men from CARPEx, Churham(ish) and South Wake (legit and former) coming into Whoville.

As Riptide would say… “Fantastic!”

Never been out here before and vowing not to rely merely on Google, I got up extra early this morning and did a bit of recon work coupled with some EC. Turns out Whoville has some elevation changes around it! Calling the Biege Bros! Head south on either Yates Store or Green Level for a bit and though it’s not quite the Maynard, it’s definitely not POGL either! Saw some features I liked for later taboot. Success!

Getting back to the AO, I spy a lonely figure moseying the parking lot towards me. Running up to him, I learn it’s Lucky Charms. Lucky Charms was one of the PAX who participated in the CSAUP this past Saturday. But while this particular dude didn’t quite resemble the Lucky Charms I remember from the weekend, I am not exactly known for my memory recall. So we get to chatting about the CSAUP and how awesome it was that he brought his son out, etc etc.

About five minutes later, Lucky Charms apparently has had enough of my blather and informs me that “Ya’ll have a Lucky Charms too.”

It was a looong couple minutes until the next car pulled into the AO.


Wait for Clementine to put the flag in the ground. Ground is apparently made out of rock because I swear it took him three tries. Do we not test site Q’s for physical prowess and mental acuity anymore?

Reminder to the PAX about social distancing. Then some GM, IW, MC, Merkins and we mosey.

Scout run single file out to Horton’s Creek. The PAX got the concept quickly (except Badlands who kept looking for Franklin and, not seeing him, would break down in tears) and the light posts are perfectly spaced. Well designed AO. Even better designed running by Trike who somehow managed to only “scout” 4 feet in front every time. Genius.


Run right past the rock pile I asked One Direction about a few minutes earlier. He was hoping I’d forget I guess. Turn around and ask the PAX to find an ego rock.

Back to the greenway entrance off Yates Rd. Inflating distance BLIMPS, coming back to your rock for 10 curls each time:

  • First manhole: 5 Burpees
  • Second manhole: 10 Lunge walks (L/R=1)
  • Third manhole: 15 Inchworms (or 10 if you are Lucky Charms and want to give the appearance of crushing things … without really)
  • Fourth manhole: 20 Merkins
  • Fifth manhole: 25 Plank jacks
  • Sixth manhole: 30 Squats

Deflate the BLIMPS in one large exhale back to greenway entrance. Return said rocks. Mosey back to the flag.


x10 IC: LBC, E2K x2, H2M, Superman, Australian Snow Angels. The concrete was moist.


9, one respect.

Churham CSAUP sometime soon. Some disagreement as to when exactly. South Wake is spread mulch all over Bass Lake. See Quiver for details and sign up. Sounds CSAUP-ish and 3rdF-ish.

Prayers for safe travels on upcoming vacation for YHC


  • These Western Wake AOs are great. As long as you do not need to get gas afterwards. Cause there are NO gas stations anywhere.
  • Clementine must have buried that flag well cause he was unable to pull it back out (TWSS) and simply left it at the AO. Serious, no tests? I think Huckleberry is available…
  • Someone had a good idea to penalize whoever named the second Lucky Charms with 100 burpees. It may or may not have been Lucky Charms (SW edition)
  • 6 Whovillians for coffee … plus a starsky from Dirty Bomb. Good discussion of stockmarket, unemployment, gold and Sen. Tillis’s chances. And some coffee.
  • I found one geocache on the way out and DNF’ed two others.
  • Drove into my cul de sac as my neighbor Robbye was heading off to work. He was all dressed up in his Izod polo and Dockers and wondering why I wasn’t showered yet myself. I told him I had just come from a workout and coffee with some of the best guys he would ever meet. He looked at me funny and told me he needs at least 10 1/2 hours of beauty sleep. While I imagine this is true, it is also true that he doesn’t look like he gets more than six. We’re probably better off without him.

See also