West meets East

Men of Carpex, thank you for having us. We had a blast, and your mumble chatter game is truly second to none.

Q - F3 GODRUSH’s Happy Meal and Bilbo

13 pax

The Thing:

  • Active warm-up: People’s chair w/ bat wings, copperhead squats, and alligator merkins.

  • 11s on the grassy Hill. Bear crawl uphill, Scorpion Dry Docks (Cali kids legally can’t do Carolina Dry Docks in NC), crawl bear downhill, and Turkish get-ups.

  • Bataan Death March w/ 5 Hand Release Merkins that transitioned into an Indian Run (HM and Bilbo came in a little amped up and needed to change things up)-

  • Rosham Burpees (partner up, hold a plank, play rock/paper/scissors,and the winner does a Merkin while loser does a burpee) rinse and repeat and add a rep each round. Most pax got 8-9 rounds done.

  • Mary: Guantanamo, Freddie Mercuries, Flutter Kicks, and Superman pulses. COT- Bilbo closed things out with an appreciation for th PAX and F3, and then prayed us out.

  • There were several sweaty Tshirt exchanges then four had dinner at Brewster’s

See also