We're playing basketball, we're playing basketball.

Date: 7/2/2019

PAX: Aristocrat, Cataracts, Frisco, My Cousin Vinny, Pickles, Press On, Willy Wonka, WWW

Claymore is one of those AO that provides many options for a workout.  As I listened to 43 feet the day prior with CSPAN speaking to Billy Bob from the F3 Columbia region.  Billy Bob is the Nantan of the region.  He was brought on to the pod-call-in to talk about lessons learned about being a Nantan of a region.  Billy Bob mentioned that all businesses go through a point in its time approximately 5 years where it hits a plateau of growth.  One of the reasons behind the plateau was the lack of excitement.  He mentions what his region had done to bring the spark back to the region was to do other things than just doing a regular boot camp workout.

One of the things I like to do is provide a workout that does more than a boot camp workout, such as, ultimate frisbee or basketball such as what I did today.  However, this basketball game was going to be different.  It had penalty exercises if a shot was missed.

The problem is I did not have a basketball so I made a call-out to Pickles and Frisco to see if they had a basketball.  They said they would look for one and bring it.  The workout came and Press On emerges from his SUV with a BBall in hand looking for Frisco.  I told him, I was the one asking for a BBall.

The PAX showed on time.  No FNG.  F3 admin done.  Of we went on a mosey to the warm-up area.

Warm-up: GM, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, runner’s stretch, Eskimo Merkins, Sir Fazio

Thang 1: 7s

QIC directs the PAX to select a curb for 7s.  At the curb, do a burpee on one side hop over the curb and do a burpee which equals 1.  Mosey to the other end of the parking lot to do 4-count LBC x6.

Once all PAX completed the thang, we moseyed to the BBall court.  As we got to the court, QIC directs the PAX to follow as he paints the line of the court.

Partner up for thang 2:  Partner 1 runs suicide while partner 2 does boxcutters.  As partner 1 arrives, flapjack so partner 2 runs suicides.  Repeato for 2 rounds.

QIC has PAX count off 1-2-1-2 until we were split evenly.  On to thang 3 … BBall with a twist.  The twist was the addition of a penalty for missing the shot.  The PAX who misses the shot will call his favorite exercise x15 reps.  We played BBall for 20 mins.

Mosey back to flag for Mary and QIC led rubberband man stretching.

Count-a-rama / Name-a-rama:  8 HIMs

Before we go into the announcements, QIC/YHC calls out the 6th man to reintroduce himself and provide a testimony what F4 is to him.  Our 6th man was Press On.

Announcements:  4th July Convergence, Night Train

Prayers/Praises:  Prayers for Disco Duck whose FIL recently passed on.  Prayers for healing hands on our injured brothers.  Prayers for the Gonzales family.  Prayers for the Cary Mom who lost her husband and daughter in an accident driving down to Myrtle Beach; she survived with injuries.  Prayers for those HIMs and family traveling for the holiday.

BOM: YHC led us out.


Frisco is complaining about me stacking the team.  I’ll let him continue to think that.  I was fair and consistent. He needs to ask Sky Q why he felt the team was stacked.

Frisco, my Brother, you are a true HIM.  Proud that you continue to work on making yourself a better HIM.  I pass the rock to you.You HIMs are awesome! It’s my pleasure to lead you all.

You HIMs are awesome! It’s my pleasure to lead you all.

See also