
this one was rough. all the EC and none of the posts lately did NOT set me up for success today. here we go!

FNG Check - got one - Disclaimer, wait for Sosa, start anyways

Mosey around the pickle, but hang a U-turn (crash into Goose), pick up Sosa and rollllllll into the park. Pause in the large oval field for SSH // TT // GM // IW.

Continue on down the hill and out toward the Black Creek Greenway. Hold at the greenway for a set of standard merkins… and another set of standard merkins (yw, Burt).

North on the greenway! One more pause at the treacherous turnoff for some Prisoner Squats, and then onward to our northernmost point for the day, which was the turnoff up to Midenhall Way.

Sevens! Star Jumps at the top and Plank Jacks at the bottom. That hill dude…

Hold for some LBCs at the bottom, then start our journey back to the flag. Stopping at:
- the bridge for erkins
- the ledges for dips and derkins
- the oval field for the penalty burpees
- the shelter for ALRSU
- the flag for Freddy Mercs, Boxcutters, and Have A Nice Day


Running Odyssey course tmo
TCP 5K/10K on Labor Day

Saban’s Wife
How How’s friend’s sister’s son
Hi-Liter’s daughter

Why Aytch Sea took us out.


This was a tough one for me. I left the planning till the last second… which has been indicative of my work life lately. Work has spilled over into just about every aspect of my life at this point, and it’s hard to stay on track just about everywhere. I felt pretty bad that I had waited this long to plan it, and then struggled to get up that hill on trips 3, 4, and 5. I needed y’all to pick me up today, and I left extremely encouraged.

This felt like the end of a long hiatus from Q-ing… but i looked back and it’s been six weeks. Re: work life, feels like i’m aging faster, etc. But I think I have one on the calendar every month for the rest of the year, so I’m hopeful to get back on top of the planning.

Someone get ToC to unlock their bathrooms earlier.

DZ is legit. Greenway access, hillz for dayz, sidewalk leaving the park in all directions… #MDZGA

Agonized over #17 in the tags list for most of the day… but then remembered to check Strava and thought of Ollie before I even had to check. #cobains

Nice work Blowout! Dude legit busted his shoe. Site Qs credited me a merlot for that, so I’ll wear that badge with pride.

See also