We'll take it from here, Cardinal

Early Thursday morning, YHC was stirring and came across the news of young Taylor Phelps, F3 Cardinal, out of Knoxville TN, who had horribly passed away during his Virgin Q (VQ) at a workout on 1/11/23. For Thursday’s workout, I incorporated one small element of his planned workout, 15 double count Freddy Mercury’s. We did them at the very end of our workout, and after the workout was over, I shared that his planned workout looked extremely hard, and I would be hesitant to try it.

However, I soon learned that pax around the country had honored him on that morning by carrying on with his plan, and decided that we had to do the same on Friday.

It was a bit gloomy this morning, but temps were mild and spirits high at Dazed and Confused. There was a contingent of ruckers/walkers, and a contingent of Boot Campers. I took the latter on a recreation of Cardinal’s VQ.

I explained what we were planning to do, had his Q sheet printed as a weinke, and also brought along a lantern to serve as a reminder to be the light in the world (and that we were carrying his light with us this morning).

We started with his warm-a-rama at the top of powerline hill:

15 SSH

10 copperhead merkins

10 Low Slow Flutters

10 SFAC forward

10 SFAC reverse

10 hallelujahs

10 Knoxville Cherry Pickers

20 second Samson Hold (complete with White Broccoli high-fiving everyone around the circle)

Some Michael Phelps, and some Willie Mays Hayes

Then we set about the core of the workout. We ran to the bottom of powerline hill, noting the poles near the top that marked our “top of the hill”.

Set 1: At the bottom, we did 5 burpees, 5 big boy situps, and 5 heels to heaven. We then paused as a group, and had a moment of silence, as this is when Cardinal had succumbed during his workout. Moved, we ran up the hill, turned around and ran back down again. Repeat the 5 burpees, 5 big boys, and 5 heels to heaven.

I believe, at this point, we should’ve been running to the poles after every set of burpees, but we did not. Q fail.

We did, however, press on with the next round.

Set 2: 10 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 10 Mountain Climbers double count. Run to the poles and repeat.

Set 3: 15 Burpees, 15 air squats, 15 Freddy Mercury’s. Run to the poles and repeat.

Set 4: 20 Burpees. YHC added in 20 Hillbillies, because Cardinal’s from Tennessee.

Run to the poles. It was at this point that YHC was gassed, and Crimson came alongside and said “What’s next, another set of 20?” “Yep” I gasped. He said “Let me take over, let’s do them together, no OYO”.

And we proceeded back down and he called ten of the most flawless Burpees “on my down” and it charged us right back up. Added in the Hillbillies, and we were all set.

We ended up with 6 trips up the hill, plus the return trip to the top lot. Before our departure from the bottom, however, we added 25 American Hammers IC. Then we added another 25 because 50 in a row would’ve been too hard.

Arriving back at our warmup spot, Q called Homer to Marge to cool us off in the puddles. Then, just go be equitable, Supermans, to get wet all over.

Moseying back to the flag, I asked pax to call mary in the circle. They obliged as we all arrived. Burpees were called, American Hammers were called, box cutters were called, and a few more things I can’t recall, but then I finished us off with 100s and a Have a Nice Day. Ruckers came over and joined us for COT.


We finished up with a countarama and namearama. 13 bootcampers, 7 ruckers, out this fine morning. I covered 1.33 miles in total, plus about 4 miles of Burpees.

Announcements: It was an honor to carry on with our fallen pax’ plans. Also amazed to share the fundraising for his family in 24 hours has exceeded $70k.

Check the Slacks. Update your profile if you’re a new Peak City Slack member (note there’s an ICE field that is editable if using the desktop version of Slack). Doggy Paddle shared more info about the Green Level Launch, and the Poker Run he’s put together. Man, the Green Level marketing machine is kicking it!


Prayers for Cataract’s sister-in-law, and Disco Duck’s friend’s good news. Also praise for the fire lit in Floppy Crust! And apologies for the concerns I’ve forgotten.


I did not feel worthy to lead this workout today. It was not mine to lead, but I felt obligated to do so. I know Cardinal was watching and smiling at the thought of us complaining over 100 burpees, or heading off on that run AGAIN, or the wet ground, or…any number of things. But we were able to get out there and push ourselves to be better. I connected with guys better today than I have in a long time. We had singleness of purpose. Today was not about us. I came away from today recentered, refocused.

Activity: https://www.strava.com/activities/8384406682

See also