Well, I took a stroll on the old long walk..

Friday evening, August the 10th, six ruckers took to the mean streets of Cary for a 1stF/2ndF walkabout. That’s right, Kitty - you can try to deny it, but you now qualify.


Gather at Bond Bros and join a 2ndF in progress.

Step off at 6:40 with a target of Fortnight. Katniss strode out the 1.7mi at a tick under 17-minute pace and was promptly fired by Banjo from pacer duty. We picked up an errant Kitty on Chatham St. Aye!

2ndF at Fortnight completed in a very respectable 27 minutes. That’s 10% shorter than YHC’s pre-event estimate, despite blonde tasting quite nicely these days.

Meander along Maynard and take the greenway down through Bond Park past the kiosk. We managed to resist the temptation to do Gitmo or 11’s, instead pushing on to Back 9, this time at just under 18-minute pace for 2.9mi. Kitty’s “Carpex Gettin’ After It” playlist provided suitable motivation.

Back 9, described by HK as a “drinkin’ bar,” suited our purposes nicely. As we rolled in, a local crooner in front of Shuckin’ Shack was cranking out Copperhead Road, and he rolled into some other popular favorites as we rehydrated.

Once again over-achieving on our stoppage time, we headed out 22 minutes later, with new playlist inspiration provided by the Steve Earle show in progress locally. While a stop at Eighty8 or Dean’s was briefly considered, consensus was to press on toward the goal, and so we did. This longest leg, 3.6 miles, ticked by at about 18:20 pace, slowed by some hills on the back end of the course. A brief stop at Casa Kitty, and we hit the final leg into DTC to end up at Pharmacy for a final refuel and recap of the evening.

Next time.. Apex?


Thanks fellas for the company - birthday #43 was an unmitigated success.

TClaps to Kitty and Biner for attacking the Feline 15k on Sat AM. Way to get after it!

See also