Welcome To Wakanda

10 PAX showed up on 4/25 in the beautiful plains and hills of Wakanda (i.e. the SVG parking lot) for some fun.

No FNGS. Mosey to the coupon shed for a Warm of Cotton Pickers, Fazio Arm Thingees, Reverse Fazio Arm Thingees, Merkins, and Imperial Walkers.

The PAX grabbed the coupon blocks and moseyed over to start the first Thang, assisted by Brown Bag, who arrived late, so 10 enhancement burpess all around.

First Thang was Jabari Ladders: Started with 10 overhead coupon presses, paint the lines with Jabaris (a low side shuffle) to the second bush, and then 10 LBCs. Return and repeat, adding 10 reps until you hit 50.

The PAX returned the coupons, and moseyed over to Hill 1 for Thang 2: 11’s with Merkins/Box Cutters. Texas Ranger probably regretted his fashion choice of a 25 lb. ruck at this point, but he soldiered on nonetheless, so good job. Kudos to Brown Bag who kept at it too.

We followed this up with another Mosey over to Hill 2 for Thang 3: A alternating partner carry up the hill in pairs matched by height. After that a final mosey to the flag for COTS, Countarama, Namearama, and Announcements:

Welcomes: Welcome to Total Recall, visiting the F3CARPEX area.

Prayer Requests: a. Ascott’s Nephew Noah broke his arm this last week b. Prayer for WWW’s safe travel back from his trip

Praise Report: a.Earhart’s M, Peachtree has recovered and is going to be Qing FIA tomorrow

PAX: , Texas Ranger, Earhart, Ascot, Brown Bag, Total Recall, Grinch, Freebird, Imp, GTL, Spartan

See also