Welcome to the Worst. Hobby. Ever.

It was a lonely morning as YHC rolled up to Green Hope Elementary at 0505 hoping to have someone there to spot me on my quest to improve pullups. Finding none, YHC attempted some pullups, managed to eek out one, and did some dead arm hangs to work on getting better. Since I had some extra time to spare, I searched for and found the extra special Pain Stick that Banjo had hidden away (for reference, it is located on the North side of the North entrance to the parking lot, stowed away behind a green utility box). Since I had pre-blasted that there would be pain and that probably nobody would be able to complete the beatdown I had planned, I grabbed said Pain Stick and brought it to our assembly area.

Warm Up

We joined the GT fellas for a moderate disclaimer and pledging of our allegiance. We grabbed the ~60# Pain Stick and rucked around for a bit, with YHC switching the load over to Frisco when we got to the uphill sections (in my defense, I had a 30# ruck and his was only 20#). We arrived over by the basketball court and did some Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, and SF Arm Circles (forwards and backwards), which gave me a good opportunity to practice my cadence calls. Then it was time to bring the discomfort


July is the GORUCK Navy Seal Foundation challenge (read more https://www.goruck.com/honoring-our-warriors/ ), so we headed over to the sand volleyball courts. With a decent sweat built up already, aided by the early morning humidity, we proceeded to perform three sets of the following in the sand:

20 Four Count Flutter Kicks w/ Ruck Overhead

30 Meter Bear Crawl with Ruck Drag (which probably was easier than doing a bear crawl with ruck on through sand, speaking from experience)

20 American Hammers with Ruck

To make sure we got extra sandy, after the third set, I declared a brief Have a Nice Day, followed by a Superman.

Sufficiently sugar-cookied, we took a quick breather to say hello to a dog walker, who pointed out that it was going to be a beautiful sunrise. So we rucked around the fields, took in some of said gorgeous sunrise, heckled the GT fellas, and headed back to 1) return the Pain Stick el Grande to its hideaway, and joined the bootcampers for Mary, which consisted of 54 squats to celebrate Loom’s last day of being 53 (RESPECT!)


Praise for Torpedo’s FIL who is appears to be fully recovering from a heart attack.

Prayers for patience and discernment for YHC as I continue my job search.


Welcome Frisco to the Worst. Hobby. Ever. Strong work on your first ruck, you picked a good one to start!

See also