Welcome to the US Air Force PT. 2 mins doesn’t seem like a long time.

Date: 8/28/19 PAX: Beaker, Bedpan, Brosef, Buzz Lightyear, Dirty Bomb, Ezekiel, Five Hole, Franklin, Geek Squad, Goose, Gump, Hotty Toddy, Kermit, Kilmer, Mozart, Nature Boy, Pigeon, Shut-In, Sky Blue, Swag, Trike, WWW

As I continue my personal challenge to Q at least once a week, coming up with routine has become very interesting. I had several ideas in mind but since next month is the USAF birthday, I thought it would be a great time to introduce the PAX to the USAF PT test. When you think about the time, it does not seem much but when you are doing the test, 2 minutes is a dang long time.  Read on to understand what the USAF PT test consists of.

No FNG.  However, Gump made it back for his second workout this week (Great JOB!). F3 admin stuff out of the way and of course, Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory. Of we went to the running track for warm-up and then the thang.

Warm-up: GM, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, merkin x3 on QIC down, Sir Fazio (F&B). As you read merkins x3, you’re thinking, what the heck!  The PAX thought the same but they did not know what was about to hit them. QIC/YHC calls out the thang … USAF PT test.

Thang: USAF PT Test

Merkins (AMRAP) for 2 minutes

Rest 45 seconds

Sit-ups (AMRAP) for 2 minutes

Rest 45 seconds

6 laps (1.5 miles) for time.

It may not look like much when you read the description of the USAF but when you hear the moans when they hear 1 minute and they have already done 30-40 straight of the exercise, the last minute gets into your mind. What amazed me was the PAX pushed themselves to knock out a few more … that’s what it’s all about!

QIC calls for the PAX to partner up, size or speed does not matter. Partner 1  follows the routine stated above. QIC calls out the time (30 secs, 1 min, 30 secs left, 15 secs left, 10-1, stop). Flap-Jack, now it is Partner 2’s turn. Partner 1 gets a much longer break before the run. Partner 2 only gets 45 secs then everyone runs their 6 laps. If any PAX was nurturing any knee, back or ankle injury, it was ok to modify as needed and walk.

Props to Sky Blue who led the way in the run with a 9:18 time.

  • Ezekiel (Merkins: 70; sit-up: 45; 1.5 mile run: 13:30)
  • Shut In (Merkins: 55; sit-ups: 55; 1.5 mile run: 10:49)
  • WWW (Merkins: 70; sit-ups: 70; 1.5 mile run: DNR … walked)

After the run, we slow mosey/walk back to the basketball court for some Mary to close out the morning.

Mary: Luge, low slow flutter, Homer to Marge, and to close it out, 100s.  Have a nice day!

Count-a-rama: 22

Name-a-rama: Double Respect x1,Respects x6; mehs x 14, Hate x1


Changing of the FC Site Q responsibilities from Goose/Sky Blue to Geek Squad/Trike

Labor Day – all Monday AO’s will still be open. No change to A Team start time (0545).

Carying Place Speed for Need 5K/10K on Labor Day. F3 CarPex raised over $800 for the event.

Week of 9/16: VQ week.

Haven House fundraising pre-blast (Sky Blue has some of the deets)

Oct 5 The Odyssey and F3 CarPex Family Picnic ($5 for singles, $10 for family, bring sides)

Oct 7: F3 CarPex (first-ever) Golf Tournament

9/11 Stair Climb at Carter-Finley Stadium

Amberly 5K (see Slack for deets) – Sosa is lead for it.

Prayers / Praises

Praises to Liverpool and Cynthia for their testimony and prayers for both of them and their family as they continue to heal.

Prayers for those traveling.

Prayers for Capt Kirk who lost his Mom this past week. Please rally around him because he needs the support.

Prayers for those Brothers who are injured and nurturing their way back to the gloom.

Prayers and praises for Ausfarht for getting back into the gloom and continuing his recovery from his accident.

Lock-it-Up (BOM):  Swag took us out.


6-Man (Gump) – saw Liverpool’s testimony at church and was interested. He wants to get fit. Welcome to F3.

F3 and my Carpex Brothers continue to bless me and has made a significant impact in my life (physically, mentally, and spiritually) … TRUE HIMs!!!

See also