Welcome to DanKryptoPeak

It wasn’t my intention of running a Kryptonite-style workout the day before Odyssey but from the mumble chatter, that’s what it turned out to be. I debated what I should do for today’s Q and what I didn’t want to be sore tomorrow, so I was hoping this was the right choice. According to some, I failed.

PAX of 1 (YHC) for an EC run PAX of 4 for EC pull-ups. Ma Bell, Hello Kitty, Parker & Disco Duck PAX of 3 for Bruisers. Hello Kitty, Disco Duck, Ezekiel There was supposed to be a PAX of 5 from South Wake, but both Emeril & Java fartsacked with M4L waiting outside their houses to drive up.

Warm-Up Good Morning, Windmill, (I skipped my traditional Sir Fazio Arm Circles because he was there and asked that we skip them, so…) Seal Clap, Overhead Clap, SSH, Steve Earle, Plank Jacks

The One and Only Thang Indian Run 11’s - Found this little gem in the Exicon. It will make a reappearance soon. We broke into 4 groups for an Indian Run back and forth across the parking lot in front of the soccer fields. We performed a set of 11’s with Star Jumps and Turkish Get Ups.

Rumor has it we ran 3 miles or so, but we’ll have to check Strava to confirm.

COT Absolution, 100s, Have a Nice Day

Announcements - ODYSSEY TOMORROW! If you don’t know you better ax somebody. - Haven House drawing coming up, check with Burt for details. - Neighbor to Neighbor event coming up, check with Yoda or Fazio for details - M4L mentioned that help is needed for SW guy named Brandon. He is in a wheel chair and has cerebal Palsy and can really use some donations of slightly used furniture and bedding for him and his mom. Their living conditions are not that great. Be on the lookout for a GoFundMe Page, or reach out to Midget if you can help.

NMS It’s been 1 year since I posted for the first time in Carpex at Dante’s Peak. 1 year and 6 weeks since I posted at my first F3 AO Thunder in South Wake. F3 came at a hard time in my life when I needed it the most. I can’t thank you guys enough for allowing me to workout with you, get to know you, and be part of this amazing group of men.

A special thanks to my friend of 30 years Steroid (I know him as Mark Mahoney, Sparky and sometimes HamHo) for flying down from North Raleigh to be there today.

Also Midget For Life, who I met on my 2nd day in Holly Springs and who EH’d me for both Thunder and Dante’s Peak.

And Grinch who was the first person I met at Dante’s Peak. He stayed with me the entire workout, and while talking we realized that his sister-in-law and I had been friends in Lumberton for the past 15 years. Small world.

Congratulations to Dante’s Peak on their 2 year anniversary. It is in good hands with Sooey & Red Ryder.

YHC took us out with a quote from writer Mary Schmich

“Don’t worry about the future; but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind. Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind but the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.”


See also