Welcome FNG Soup Cans

The PAX visited the former aerospace parts factory, now elementary school, for a series of AMRAPs & pickle runs.

Warm ups were done at the little turn off between the park gate and the school.


There is a small pickle and a big pickle at the school. The PAX took turns running first the small pickle … then the big pickle … then the small pickle in groups. Meanwhile the remaining PAX AMRAPed various exercises from merkins, to LBCs, to squats and CCDs.

As we transitioned between pickles, we did 10 burpees.

On the Indiginous People’s run back to the flag we noted that the side turn off where we did warm ups earlier was MUCH busier now.


AYG back to the flag bear crawl.


Announced the 1776 convergence.

Prayers for Biner.

FNG: Welcome FNG Soup Cans, a creative type who does marking and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. BB on F3Carpex forthcoming

@Charmin@WahWah@Two Factor (@Pierogi Q)
Pax not yet in slack: Soup Cans

See also