Admittedly YHC has only posted at Tortoises once prior to this Q. I am familiar with the site as it’s the closest AO to my house and have been to a Hell’s Bells or 2. Having never Qed a “limited run” workout before, I thought would could work better than an Ironpax inspired workout? Blocks are already on site so it was perfect. I blended weeks 2 and 4 for a special kind of suck. Here’s what we did:
Warmup: No FNGs, so right into the pledge we go just as Squatter comes cruising around the corner on his run in. A little mosey around the long pickle while we let Squatter compose himself and catch up. Circle up for the Schlitz standard:
SSH x 15 IC
Good Mornings x 5 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 IC
Seal Claps x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x 10 silent count each side
The Thang: Everyone grab a coupon of the cinder block variety and head to the first parking spaces of the long pickle. Starting at the end, walk your block to the next line and perform a thruster. Advance to the next line and perform 2 thrusters. Continue down the row of parking spaces adding a rep at each line along the way (9 total). When you get to the end, “murder bunny” back to the start and then take a lap around the pickle. Repeat for each exercise on the Weinke pictured above. We made it through the KB Swings before we were out of time. We finished the last 4 exercises stationary in cadence x 10. That was all the time we had.
COT: 6 Pax. 2 Respects. 2 Meh. 2 Hate.
Announcements- Odyssey 10/24. Get signed up even if it’s for part of the event or for support.
Ragnarok tomorrow at 2000 at Apex Community Park. Southern Peak 2ndF to follow.
Prayers/Praises- Prayers for Bubba’s 2.0 that’s out of rehab and sober. Prayers for Tang’s shipmate with a 6 month old 2.0 with a congenital heart defect.
YHC took us out.
NMS: This sucked, but it was fun to do something different and Q a limited run workout. Bag Boy sure is rough on those cinder blocks as he broke 2 during the beatdown. We are getting a fair sized pile of broken blocks in the storage area. I’m happy to help get them disposed of. Site Qs that use this site just let me know, as I said the AO is close to my house. Thanks to those that showed up for coming out. MIAGD!