Welcome back Iron PAX

For YHC’s first Q in 2020, why not make it the premiere 90 minute workout on a Saturday in north west Cary? I decided I wanted to stay on campus and use coupons for the beat down. Then I remembered there were supposed to be cinder blocks hidden somewhere on site and thought of how many of the Iron PAX challenge workouts had used a block so there was my plan. I equated the Iron PAX challenge to child birth in that women always seem to forget how hard it was and how much it hurt so decide to do it again. That’s how at least YHC felt this morning. Here’s what went down.


9 PAX almost to the flag at 0600, and everyone looks familiar so no FNGs. Mission statement, pledge and a nice mosey out of the parking lot, down Rogers Rd to the front parking lot for the warmup which included such things as:

Good Mornings IC x10

Hillbillies IC x10

Sir Fazio Arm Circles Fwd & Rev IC x10

Seal Claps IC x10

Moroccan Night Clubs IC x10

Plank Jacks IC x10

Mountain Climbers IC x10

Calf Stretch x10 silent count each side

Runners Stretch x10 silent count each side

Then mosey down to the road the buses come in on and up the hill with some side shuffles and backwards run. Everyone to the coupon retainment area to select a cinder block of their choice and back to the bus parking lot for:

Thang 1:

10 Manmakers, 20 Thrusters, 30 Kettle Bell Swings, 40 Curls for the girls

4 laps around the pickle

3 more rounds with one less pickle lap each time

Franklin and Dr. Evil came moseying up the road and joined us in our misery and for the rest of the beat down. Better late than never I suppose? Parker and Biner crushed it and finished well before the rest of the PAX so then did Parker and Biner things while the rest of us finished.

Mosey back towards the parking lots to the square lot for:

Thang 2:

4 corners. AYG to the first corner for 5 Merkins. Mosey to the next corner for 5 Dying Cockroaches IC. AYG to the next for 5 jump squats. Mosey to the start for 5 Supermans. 4 rounds total increasing each exercise by 5 each time. Thanks to Chicken Little, Franklin and Biner for each calling a round of exercises.

Split into 2 groups for an indigenous peoples run back to the flag for some Mary and stretching


Freddie Mercuries IC x10

American Hammer IC x10

L elbow R knee/R elbow L knee IC x10 each

LBCs IC x10

Followed by a solid 10 minutes of stretching. A couple of us took a little mosey to get to 4 miles total while Parker continued leading some stretches.


Krispy Kreme Challenge 2/1

Skipper’s Birthday today


Chicken Little’s FIL

I know there were more and I apologize for not being able to recall them at this time.

Quote for today:

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” -MLK, Jr.

When I see an interesting quote I try to remember it for my next Q. Our workouts are hard (unless South Wake is leading them that day!), and so is life. The guys I stand in COT with are the kind of people I want to surround myself with when there are challenges and controversy. We can lean on each other to get through most anything. F3 has shown me that you can face hard things, and come out the other side a better and stronger man because of it. I thank each and everyone of you for that.

As depicted above, YHC was kind enough to bring his most recent importation of his namesake from the far west (Alamance Co.) to share with the PAX. YHC was pleased to see that almost everyone indulged and enjoyed the refreshment bestowed upon them this morning! MIAGD gents!

See also