Welcome Back

YHC had planned out a nice little kettle bell workout for the Hell’s Bell PAX, but that plan was contingent on having enough kettle bells to go around. Looking around at 0529 it was clear we had just the right number of PAX, but less than the right number of kettle bells, so the original plan was scrapped and a new plan was hatched on the fly. Let’s get after it!


Mosey around the pickle and circle up for side straddle hops, hillbillies, squats, plank jacks and merkins with an asterisk. Ten burpees OYO at the end to pay the price for our tardy brothers.

The Thang

Mosey over to the kettle bells and partner up, size matters, for Dora 1-1-1. One partner does exercises while the other takes a lap around the pickle until they combine for 100 kettle bell swings, 100 overhead presses and 100 curls.

Fellowship walk with the kettle bells down to the Notorious pull-up bars. One partner AMRAPs rows while the other partner knocks out five pull-ups, flapjack. Repeato with tricep extensions. Repeato with goblet squats.

Fellowship walk back up to the parking lot and circle up for more penalty burpees, each partner does five standard burpees and five kettle bell press burpees. No shortcuts through the grass, fellas. You don’t come to F3 for shortcuts.

One partner does ten squats without the kettle bell while the other partner does ten squats with the kettle bell. Flapjack and repeato. Repeato with merkins and rows. Repeato with squats. Repeato with merkins and rows.

Put the kettle bells down and take an easy fellowship run around the pickle.


Circle up with your partner and your kettle bell. Ten American hammers with the kettle bell, ten American hammers without the kettle bell. Ten Freddie Mercurys with a kettle bell press, ten Freddie Mercurys without a kettle bell press. Ten LBCs with the kettle bell, ten LBCs without the kettle bell. Finish up with Ma Bell leading us in a set of ranger merkins.


Count-a-rama:  22 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECTs, 17 meh, 0 HATE Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for Kubota as his family continues through the adoption process (see details on Slack for a BBQ fundraiser next Friday), prayers for The Joker’s friend who is deploying to Syria, prayers for Goose’s son Cameron as he fights off an infection, continued prayers for YHC’s M Kelly, and BIG praises for Snots on his return to the gloom. BOM:  YHC took us out


YHC joined Frisco, Joe Smith, Pet Sounds, Red Ryder and WWW for EC pull-ups. It’s definitely a thing.

The asterisk on the warm-up merkins is because of Ma Bell. He was supposed to join the TPC Sawgrass crew yesterday doing yard work for the Carying Place, but he just flat forgot. I told him there would be a penalty, and he agreed to take his punishment like a man. So while the rest of us did merkins, he had to just stand there and watch. The punishment was tough, but fair.

A few of the PAX parked at the other entrance and ran over just as we started our warm-up lap. They seemed to think it was unfair for YHC to call penalty burpees since there’s still so much confusion about where Hell’s Bells meets. YHC agrees. The penalty burpees were for the two guys in the car that pulled into the correct parking lot at 0531.

The big crowd this morning might have been a Hell’s Bells record. That’s all for Snots. Great to have you back out there with us!

I’m always grateful to be a part of this group of amazing men, thank you for letting me lead this morning.

See also