Weird Stuff

Callahan put out the call for a substitute… and you KNOW I can’t resist the chance to Mr. Garvey a workout.

I promised Prodigal on Slack that I wouldn’t do weird stuff, but then I looked in the mirror. Time for an exicon deep-dive.

FNG Check - Disclaimer - Fair Warning on weird stuff - Let’s Go

Lap around the parking lot. Circle up for Finkle Swings.
Lap around the parking lot. Circle up for Matt Biondis.
Lap around the parking lot. Circle up for Mountain Man Poopers.

Follow me down the road towards the Middle School. Stop at the entrance to the parking lot for some Davinci Cartwheels the length of the island. Switch directions halfway through.

Partner Carry Catch Me If You Can
Partner 1 carries Partner 2 around the course.
Partner 3 - drop for 10 XYs, then run to catch P1&P2. Rotato, repeato.

Partner up in 2s. Duck walk in opposite directions and do partner derkins when you meet. Backwards duck walk back the way you came and hold for the six.

Head over to the nearby soccer field for Four corners Jacob’s Ladder with 5-10-15-20 squats. This one was pretty broken, but nice work. Recollect at the starting corner for Bolt 45s.

Back at the flag, Mary consisting of
Failure to Launch
Gas Pump
LBCs while I remember…
James Bonds
One Legged H2M courtesy Water Wings
Have a Nice Day, THAT’S IT

COR - 17
NOR - 1 RESPECT, 1 HATE, whole lotta meh

Prayer Vigil - April 5th

Saban’s daughter’s procedure
Hi-Liter’s daughter’s growth
Sub’s job situation
Eric’s wife woke up
Crimson’s FIL passing, BIL’s new diagnosis


My glasses were in full fog by the time we hit the soccer field. Any hope I had of keeping the PAX in line was comPLETEly shot by this point. Nice work by half of the group. My half, y’all supposed to CLIMB the ladder, not just jump to the next rung (do more squats).

Not sure if I was supposed to accept a second koozie after my V-FMJ-Q from last year, but I am never one to turn down a gift. A top Carpex Q tradition for sure, TY4YL Shank!

Largemouth was there for EC, but scooted before the main event. He would’ve been #18, which by every measure available is THE optimal number for a workout. 17 is what I get for planning a 2-partner AND 3-partner exercise though. #facepalm

The 5 letter S PAX were out in full force. And by full I mean like 60%. Just needed Sabre and Sooey and we woulda had a party.

Thank you all for letting me lead this morning. Humbling, challenging, and a ton of fun.

See also