We was a runnnnning

Monday Morning.  Little bitty stingy rain.  5:30 announcement.  Introduced myself, gave the disclaimer and we are off.  Headed down the path to the amphitheater, and a quick HALT.  Place is a flooded.  Nothing like 20 seconds in and calling an audible.  Turn around and head out to the main road and take alternate path to the Theater.  After dodging puddles, uneven ground, and no entry signs we made our way in front of the stage.  No Mosh Pitting occurred.


SSH, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, ChillCut 5 Counts.  Figured we would warm up on the run.


Exit Park and back to Bus Stop Bench before the main road.  PAX instructed to assemble in to 3 Man Groups.  3 Man Indian Runs out of the park, turn run, then another right on Ederlee.  Up the hill to Regency Parkway for a Squat Hold while we wait for the group.  Burt was in full Dad mode, and worried for our safety as we grouped in the street.  After a quick 5 second hold by Burt and Pierogi, TY4YL, we were off again in our groups of 3.

Headed down Regency Parkway, again dodging puddles and mud.  Grease monkey didn’t like what Water Wings was a brewing so he pushed him off the sidewalk.  I kid I kid.  However, WW did take quite a spill.  Hope that ankle is ok….

While WW got his footing, PAX followed behind with Lunges.  After a quick check of the watch we are on our way again, this time in a quick Mosey.  Past Half hill, and down to the ticket gate at the top of what I call Burt’s Stank Hill.

7’s were called.  Burpee at the top.  Squat Jump at the bottom.

Prisoner Mosey back to the flag for American Hammers and a Have a Nice Day.


Praises:  Khakis 10 year Anniversary.  Half Pint’s dedication

Prayers:  Burts FIL, Denalis Friend , Pierogis Brother Derkin, Banjo’s Sister Hellen, Mccants

Welcome FNG Honeycomb, a friend of Water Wings.  Well done this morning!


  • Still hot and humid
  • Koka Booth floods after a good couple days of rain
  • Someone had “Mud Butt” and was “kinda stinky”
  • Mileage record was unscathed, only 3.89m this morning
  • PAX are ready for BRR to be over
  • F3 is Tight

See also