We rolled back the prices with Walmart Burpees

Date: 5/2/2019

AO: Bounty Hunters

PAX: Cataracts, Cheddar Bo, Crimson, Freebird, Frisco, Honeycomb, Imp, Kitty Litter, Michelob, Mud Buddy, Old Maid, Orphan, Oxtail, Pivot, Quequeg, Qwerty, Rooney, Schlitz, Slappy, Smokey, Sooey, Sooey’s Dad, Sub, Traffic Cone, Ultra, Wonderbread, Whirlie, WWW

As I continue my quest to Q every week for 2019, my fear is to run out of exercises to do or create a workout that will challenge the HIMs.  As for running out of exercises, that won’t happen because F3 created a great document with all kinds of things to do.  AS for creating a challenging exercise, you do not have to make it fancy.  It just needs to be challenging enough the PAX get their fill of the beatdown.

I can honestly say, Q’ing is a lot of fun.  For those that have not Q’d before, it is really not that bad to prepare for.  Get with a HIM who has Q’d before and ask the questions you need to prepare yourself.  Get over the fear of taking the lead and just lead.  You will not regret it.  As a matter of fact, your F3 Brothers will support you 100%.

As I thought about what exercises to do to make it challenging, I always go to my favorites, Catalina Wine Makers (learned it from Pet Sounds), and burpees (first F3 experience was with Ollie on my 1st post at SnS).  These two exercises are not just tough to do but they crushing and brutal.  I always remember what Theismann said about pull-ups.  How do you get better at pull-ups?  Do more pull-ups.

I added a few new ones which I learned from the previous beatdown from Triple Lindy during Tortoises yesterday morning; Walmart Burpees and Micky Mouse Merkins.

Here is how it all went down.

I got the F3 admin stuff out of the way … No FNGs.  We did have an awesome visitor this morning … Sooey Sr.  He was visiting for his grandchilds birthday.  It’s great to see you again.  After the admin stuff we faced Old Glory and Pledged our Allegiance to our great country.

Off we went to the softball field parking lot to get started.  Circle up for warm-ups.  I had a lot of things planned so I wanted to get the warm-up done but right.  We did GM, Abe Vigodas, SSH, Sir Fazio forward and overhead claps.  Yes, we even did burpees x10 at a rapid pace to get the heart rate up.  Mosey into the baseball field to begin the thang.

Thang 1 - 11s:  Starting at 1st base the exercises were - Catalina Wine Makers, run/mosey.walk to the outfield fence following the foul line, do burpees.

Thang 2 - 7s: Still at 1st base - Walmart Burpees, run/mosey/walk to the outfield fence following the foul line, do V-ups.

Thang 3 - partner up for some catch me if you can.  Partner 1 does Mickey Mouse Merkins x10 and mosey to catch partneer 2 who was bear crawling.  We did 3 rounds.  Mosey back to the flag after retrieving my music machine.  We stopped at the light pole by the soccer field to to Billy Run with a group of 5s to the next light pole near thee skate park.

Circle up for Mary.  We got through 6 PAX with their favorite Mary exercise x10 reps.  Have a nice day!

Count-a-rama: 28

Name-a-rama: 5 respects, 22 mehs, 1 hate

Announcements:  TCP Sawgrass moved to 5/11 to deconflict with Mother’s Day.  It is an event that is a must do … very easy.  Apex Methodist BBQ fundraiser tomorrow starting around lunch time (Intimidator is pulling the pork).  CSAUP - Crazy Train (running) and Night Train (Rucking).

Prayers & Praises:  Praises for Ausfarht who came out at Tortoises.  He led us out at Tortoises BOM.  Reach out to those Brothers who has not been out in the gloom is a while.  Praises for the continued growth in F3 CarPex.  Michelob mentioned a relay raise where he ran with some recovery guys from Healing Transitions.  They appreciate when we workout with them.  Crimson mentioned that grug addiction can affect anyone.  He has a family member who is caught up with drug addiction.  Prayers for a co-worker who lost her husband on Tuesday.


#mentalbattle is real Brothers.  Reach out to those you have not seen in a long time and ask how they are doing.  Sometimes that is all it takes for them to open up.

Leading a working is a great thing and a lot of fun to do.  Challenge yourself to do it.  You will not regret it.

It is always a pleasure to lead you HIMs.  I’m honored to do so.

See also