AO: Slippery When Wet

QIC: Staubach

It was an honor to do my VQ with this great group of men. I am very appreciative for F3 and all that is has done for me in my life. Thanks to @bluewater for getting me out there last June. Here is my VQ backblast:

It was pretty nice, about 40 degrees and a little damp. My nerves were high as I headed out for my VQ. I’d walked through the schedule in my head about 100 times and still had no idea what to expect or how close we will be on time. I was READY….were they. We will find out…

Warm-up – We did a mosey run to the parking lot on Kildaire and Lochmere and Circled UP for some exercises: Good Mornings (5), Side Straddle Hops (20), Hill Billys (10), Sir Fazio Arm Circles (20), Merkins (25), Mountain Climbers (15). All exercises started once we knew the PAX were good and READY. There was not mumble chatter at all with this change in approach…All were very polite and respectful.

Thang 1: 5 Golden Rings. 5 WWII Sit Ups, 5 times up and down the large set of stairs with a circle run around the complex once you reached the top for the 5th time. Of course we stopped to do 5 Merkins as you pass the flower fountain in the middle. Repeat this sequence 5 times (although we made a slight adjustment on the last 2 sets to do 3 sets of stairs due to time).

Thang 2: Canceled because Thang 1 took a long time (stairs were burtal). There was a hill run of 7s on the agenda, but all good plans have a back up.

Thang 3: Run to the shelter, Partner Up and do a Dora: 100 Derkins, 200 Dips, 300 Squats while your partner runs the loop.

Mary – American Hammers (30), Have a Nice Day

Prayers: Grease’s mom and her continued strength after treatment, Joe Smith and family for their next baby appointment, Joe Smith on his new job/adventure, Jiggly Puff’s Sister In Law with her license, Overall strength of this brotherhood for reaching out and being their to support each other in their time of need.

See also