We now call Fartsacking "Frisco-ing"

The featured image came directly from a Google image search for the word “Fartsack.” That is the highlight of this Claymore Q, since it featured the return of Notorious F.A.R.T. himself, @frisco! In classic Frisco style, we’re already warmed up and about to start Thang 1 by the time he rolls up in his Vespa-like eco-car. After we finished up our penalty burpees, the MC commenced and quite literally didn’t stop even though I could smell the merlot peaking up over the back of his tongue…alas, we got no merlot. On to the workout:

Claymore 22 Sep 2020

0545 - Welcome, Disclaimer, Pledge

0546 - Warm up jog to rock pile, pick a good one:

  • 20 SSH (IC)
  • 10 count Sir Fazios
  • 10 count Fazios Sirs
  • 3 x Good Morning

0553 - The Thang

30 second AMRAP for each exercise, 60 seconds rest

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Curls for girls
  • Overhead press
  • Tricep extension
  • Burpees
  • Karate kick (left)
  • Karate kick (right)


Repeato x 5

Return Rocks

0620 - Suicides

  • Relay teams
  • 4 parking spaces, 8 parking spaces

0625 - Mary

  • 20 Frogger sit ups
  • 20 American Hammers (ic)
  • 20 slow count flutter kicks (ic)
  • 20 leg lifts

0630 - COT

“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”

--George S. Patton

NMS: All joking aside, it was great to see Frisco back in the fold. The HIMs were motivated and pushed through the sprints like champs!

See also