We Don't Need No Stinking P

Eight PAX gathered in the well-lit gloominess of St. Mary Magdalene church. It was just above the freezing mark, the temperature dropping more than the Steve had predicted at 9:00 pm the night before. Sour Mash gives the disclaimer, and with the freshly painted Lion’s Den shovel flag firmly anchored in the cold turf, we pledge our allegiance.

Warm Up

Mosey around the lot, with some backwards running, high knees, and butt kickers. Say hi to the ladies gathered with their mats and water bottles. Circle up for standard fare of SSHs, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio arm circles, Mountain Climbers, and Standard Merkins.

Thang Sour Mash

Mosey to the moist but not overly wet soccer field. Head out for a round of BLIMS, completing Burpees x 10, Lunges x 20, Imperial Walkers x 20, Merkins x 15 and SSHs x 20 at each corner for 5 laps around total.

Thang Red Ryder

Mosey to the steps for a round of 5s. At the top, we do wall-jump burpees. At the bottom, plyo-Monkey Humpers.

Once complete, prisoner Indian run back to the parking lot where we started. Partner up - Partner 1 works on 200 CDDs, while Partner 2 does an Apple Turnover (Bear Crawl to Crab Walk) the length of the parking lot and moseys back. Flip flop until complete.


Circle up, complete a round of Homer2Marge, Pickle Pounders, Dying Cockroaches and LBCs. Have a Nice Day.


1Respect, 1 Hate, 6 Mehs

Announcements: Hustle out of here to get to SNS for a bread-breaking convergence and hear from Liverpool & Water Wings. TPC - The Carying Place is kicking off this Sunday. Sign up to help!

Prayers/Praises: Crimson & family, Sub and other brothers who are either looking for jobs or are in a transition. YHC took us out.


  • Yes, we can do BLIMS if we want. YHC is encouraging Sour Mash to send this in for an Exicon update.
  • 10 Burpees at each corner got the morning started off right. It was all downhill from there. Don’t let Sour Mash fool you.
  • It’s exactly 0.44 miles from the end of YHC’s driveway to the Lion’s Den launching point.
  • We’ve never seen this ladies workout group here before. But there’s plenty of room - we were hoping to see Camp Gladiator.
  • The Wall-Jump Burpee is one of the greatest exercises ever invented. Thanks to F3 Asheville for introducing YHC to this artwork.
  • MIAGD!

See also