We Don't Need no Stinkin' Themes

Apparently some of you have come to expect a certain amount of panache in my Qs. No costume? No theme? The masses were disappointed and grumbling.

Disclaimer provided, no flag ☹️, so off we head at 5:45 on the nose (about 14 seconds before Trike could get out of his car) pearls in a string warmups with 5 penalty burpees.

Head across Green Level and turn right towards the lake, and look what we found. A nice hill with a lake view! Perfect for 11s. Start with 10 World’s Worst Merkins at the bottom and 1 Hill Billy Jump Squat at the top.

Finish up and head back to flag with some Mary pearls on a string, and that’s it!

It’s really easy to write these things without all the theme tie-ins. I may have to rethink my life.

See also