We Don't Need No Stinkin Q

Hot For Teacher 1/21/2021

Q: None!

PAX: Wahoo, Steaks, Quequeg, Oxtail, Flenderon and a fly by from Yahoo.

YHC has heard F3 lore of a “No Q” workout for many years now and has been wanting to run this for a while. The conditions this week seemed perfect, so run it we shall.

The principle of the workout is to ask PAX present to plan a 5-minute segment at a time ideally while someone is leading a segment so there are minimal breaks.I like how this parallels the 43feet philosophy of F3, with pax building the workout 5minutes ahead of the group.

YHC started with a Mosey to the Tennis Courts.

Before Warm-up I charged Wahoo with leading a 5 minutes workout from this location after

Warm up.
Warm Up:


Arm Circles

Good Mornings

Thing 1 “46” Wahoo

Identified 6 points on the tennis courts, pax did 4 burpees bear crawled to the next point and did 6 air squats and continued on for a lap

Charged Steaks with the next workout at the Shelter and we Moseyed that way.

Once there Oxtail was assigned the Playground and Queqeeg was assigned the parking lot
Thing 2 Steaks (2 Rounds)AMRAP Table shrugs



Things 3 Oxtail( 2 Rounds)

5 Pull-ups

10 Merkins

15 LBC

Run a lap

Thing 4 Queqeeg

30sec Plank

run half the pickle


run 2nd half (2 rounds)

Mosey to Shovel Flag

Pax each called a Mary Exercise

At this point Yahoo who was walking by stopped and was given the opportunity to call something and was kind enough to do it with out