We didn't spell anything, but we ran and did stuff

Perfect morning for a workout, good crowd, 1 FNG (EC’ed by the elusive Navin who did not show)

Warm up

Mozy to one of the adjoining lots – wait Navin has arrived

SSH x 15

Merkins IC x 10

Plankjacks IC x 10

Low plank hold - 5 count around the circle

The Thang

Form small squads for Indian Run so that each group has someone with a headlamp

Route – greenway to Kildaire Farm, and then follow road back into the park, cut behind 2nd baseball field to office park and then back to shovel flag. 8 stops – with all exercises done as a group

Stop 1 – 5 burpees

Stop 2 – 5 burpees, 10 jump squats

Stop 3 - 5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 merkins

Stop 4 - 5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 merkins, 20 IC LBCs

Stop 5 - 5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 merkins, 20 IC LBCs, 25 IC mountain climbers

Stop 6 - 5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 merkins, (10 penalty burpees), 20 IC LBCs, 25 IC mountain climbers, 30 squats

Stop 7 - 5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 merkins, 20 IC LBCs, 25 IC mountain climbers, 30 squats, 35 wide grip merkins

Stop 8 - 3 burpees, 6 jump squats, 9 merkins, 12 IC LBCs, 35 wide grip merkins


Arena this afternoon. Fry Daddy with the Q – 2 years of sobriety

Convergence next Friday at DZ for 5 year-ish anniversary of Carpex. SWW cancelled although rumors of a black ops workout

Labor day 5/10k – sign up soon. Code on Slack

Navin planning some OTB running workouts at Umstead and other possible venues. 10 min pace

Prayer Concerns

Grease Monkey for the sudden passing of his father


As much fun as I had in Alaska (along with some work), I really missed my Carpex brothers and couldn’t wait to get back here. F3 is amazing everywhere, but it is so special here. The Slack banter across a gazillion channels, the dark side of GroupMe (not for all), the messaging of each other, Instagram picks, twitter announcements so that the rest of F3 nation knows us, pop up 2nd F events, mowing lawns, lending a helping hand whenever someone needs it, make our region so special. I am sure that there are other regions that are strong, but it is hard to imagine any group that is closer than we are, while still embracing all newcomers.

Thanks to the three groups that were working hard and listening to the Q at the pain stations.

Props to group that maintained constant mumble chatter because the workout was obviously too easy for them.

Thought about trying to spell something, but ultimately just tried to do some balanced work. Intended pattern was going to be upper body, legs, core, but I accidentally did merkins instead of LBCs and after that I was winging it.

After several months of reading Navin posts in Slack, I finally see him at a workout. Great to meet you brother and keep it up as you work towards your weight loss goal. Thanks for bringing FNG Poolie (slang for Marine recruit).

Coffee with Oofta was on point as always. I am embarrassed to admit that I didn’t latch on to the meaning of SWW’s EC name. Ranks up there with TCP Sawgrass

If you are actually reading this and aren’t on GroupMe, you may want to check it out for a day. Some differences of opinion, but a great discussion as well as a really bad joke.

An honor and a privilege to lead – as always

See also