We Already Did These

Pierogi made an astute observation on Sunday evening - there were 14, count ’em FOURTEEN empty Q slots for this week. Feeling personally called out by that, I scooped two of them. As we’ll see on Friday of this week, it was easy to select the two that I did. More on that on Friday. #foreshadowing

I arrived at MDP at approx 5:04 (so as to avoid the pressure of joining the EC) to settle on the plan for the workout. Upon scanning some previous backblasts to catch inspiration, I reviewed the PAX-list from my last FWD Q and decided to roll the dice on a repeat Q. Don’t mess with what works.


Around the back pickle and circle up for:

Back into the playground, partner up and mini Dora on the back loop. Run back to the rock pile.

The Thang

With your travelling rock, head to the plaza. Group 1 paints the lines (in a different direction each round) while Group 2 does rock exercises in Phydeaux Circle. FlipFlop/Repeato for 3 rounds.

Back to the flag with the rock for Rock Hammers, Rock LBCs, Rock Merkins, Rock WW2s, and Rock Burpees. Some had done these as part of the thang.

Back to the rock pile for Rock Your Bodies.

Two laps around the back pickle (weave the balls on the 2nd loop) for good measure and back to the flag.

Box Cutters, chicken out on doing H2M in front of a bystander and straight to HAND.


COR - 15; NOR - 3 Respects, 11 meh, 1 Hate/Love

Announcements - bring food to donate next week. Oakwood 24 on December 19.

Prayers - Notebook. John’s family. Lisa (TP’s sister in law).


It was kind of like riding a bike. Definitely helped to have a written plan to follow that we’d gone through before.

That dice-roll came up snake eyes for Chipper and Shipyard. Bless y’all for not calling me out on a covert repeat.

Awesome to see Oofta’s coffee legacy living on through Greenbow, at another site no less.

With the space of an hour to have thought about it, I wish I called the H2Ms as that dude got out of his car and said wassup. Would’ve been on-brand for FWD.

Thank you for the chance to lead! If I can do it, you most certainly can as well.

See also